Calline Menidez
( pronouced: Call-in / Me-n-dez )

( pronouced: Call-in / Me-n-dez )

Project: Serial #18265-313 (see section I)
First Name: Calline
Surname: Menidez
Alias: Haven Vanguard (to the public) | Crisis Core (to the military)
Age: Unknown
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 185lbs (mostly muscle)
Power: Evolution (see section II)
Hair: Lengthy / Silky / Black
Eyes: Bright / Soft / Brown
Skin Tone: Tan (light)
Occupation: Ex-militarian (marines)
Role: Hero (good)
Involvement: Solo-activist in Crime Fighting
Theme: "I Stand Alone" (from Quest For Camelot)
I. Project - Serial #18265-313
Project: American Catalyst

-----> During World War II, a global military conflict which involved a majority of the world's nations was taking place. All of the great powers, organized into two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. In a state of "total war", the major participants placed their entire economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities at the service of the war effort, erasing the distinction between civilian and military resources. Which lead to the creation of multiple American secret operations that were keep away from civilian, as well as most officers, knowledge. Some time after the involvement of America in World War II, a project called American Catalyst was formed. Drafting few soldiers before they were sent off to war, Calline Menidez was inducted into the protect as the first and only 'lab rat' for the project. Like any other project conducted by America in secret it held the idealism of turning the test subject into a Super Soldier (aka The Perfect Soldier).
-----> Hourly Calline was being monitored by scientist for weeks before the actually experimenting began. Conducting whether he was a fitting test subject, and if not what they could do to make him one - because sending him back into war wasn't an option. After it was concluded he was fitting test subject experimentation began - which compiled of him going into a gassing chamber, and getting blasted with radiation. Which he was blast to the point of extreme fatigue, and then put through medical treatment for weeks until he was healthy enough to repeat the process. It wasn't until VE Day that something finally happened through the radiation gassing procedures. Calline with stood through the procedure until he reach the time it time it normally took him to become critically fatigued, and he was still standing in the gas chamber when they opened it. Being observed for the rest of the day, after the procedure he was sent to bed- which while he slept a process later called Forced Evolution happened.
-----> Over the night he had experienced muscle expansion all over his body, and the rest of his abilities unknowingly. A few days later funding for the project was cut, and the team had to pull out. Sadly though Calline wasn't allowed to leave the bunker he had been experimented in, and was subdued. Awakening he found himself locked away with in the bunker with no way to escape due to heavily constructed doors which sealed him in. Forces were placed around the bunker in case Calline ever escaped or if anyone ever came to break him out (forces are still placed there currently sealing Calline with in whether he be living or dead).
II. Power - Evolution
Forced Evolution Abilities

-----> Genetically engineered mutations of human DNA causing enhancements to original DNA, and the creation of new strands. Through a fixed setting of radiation - passed radiation poisoning levels resulting in Forced Evolution. Most people do not survive the process of Forced Evolution, placing the life expectancy of surviving the procedure at 3% out of 100%. Those surviving the procedure experienced a series of abilities.
Positive Abilities:
Herculean Strength - physical strength far beyond that of a normal human; allowing him to lift light automobiles with little trouble (ability not yet mastered).
Invulnerability - immune to diseases, poisons, and gases that can paralyze or kill both humans and low level mutants (ability mastered).
[ Breakdown ]
• Herculean Strength will develop more as time goes on. So once he's near mastery of the ability he'll be able to lift something like an elephant with slight trouble. Understand though the ability isn't just bestowed to lifting, it grants him power legs for fast movements as well as very high jumps.
• Invulnerability only works on toxicants that damage the body. Thus it will not cause bullets to reflect off of the body or grant the person with instant regeneration.
Undescribed Abilities:
Forced Energy - ability to project powerful energy blasts which explode upon impact on someone or something (ability just developed - not yet mastered).
Longevity - will not age the way normal humans do. The aging process has slowed down so much it has almost become non-existent (ability mastered).
Advance Sensory - exhibits extremely heightened senses; sight, hearing, touch, and taste (ability has not yet been mastered).
[ Breakdown ]
• Forced Energy the ability alone has great potential when mastered, but since the ability is newly acquired it is highly dangerous. The energy build up is unstable, and thus is unpredictable leading to two possible outcomes; it will work successful as planned or blow up in the users face.
• Longevity is a great power. If it comes to into effect at a reasonable age - being 8 years old for more then 5 life times....would suck. Enough said.
• Advance Sensory is good and bad. The keen hearing, smell, and sight comes in handy - but smell somewhat betrays the other senses. If a chemical like Anesthesia is leaking into the area the person will be dealt the effects of it if he stays in the area long enough (doesn't harm him so invulnerability won't work).
Negative Abilities:
Body Shutdown - under extreme fatigue his body will literally shutdown. Placing him in a coma like state until he is able to fully recover.
Self Destruct - happens when he is distressed (angered or berserk). The build up on energy he is able to create engulfs his whole body - which when his emotions reach critical levels the energy creates a massive explosion.
Slowed Recovery - when dealt psychical damage or internal damages his recovery process is slow, just a little slower then that of a normal human.
[ Breakdown ]
• Body Shutdown depends on the injures obtained during the fatigue state or before. Like stated before the person will go into a coma like state until they're 100% healed.
• Self Destruct will not kill the user, but it can cause some burns. Clothing will be nearly all burned away, the body will steam, and he will instantly go into a Body Shutdown.
• Slowed Recovery is self-explanatory, and thus it does nothing for the person during Body Shutdowns.