in a time and place that we are not familiar with, there is a women. she has crystal clear blue eyes and raven black hair. she was gorgeous. she had married her love just a while ago and was at the happiest point in her life for her. and even though all he did was sit at home all day and eat and made her do all the work in the house, she couldn't image ever being sad, or that grief and sorrow even existed in this world of hers. how wrong she was. after a unrealistically peaceful day at work that seemed to pass in a daze. she ran home, all the while with a huge grin on her face. she was going home to see her husband, and they would spend the rest of the day together. she laughed with a childlike attitude and giggled a little bit, and when she reached her houses driveway, there was no smoke rising from the chimney. she didn't figure out that anything could possibly be wrong. she was a happy as anyone could possibly be, it was to momentous for her to think of anything horrible befalling her. it was outlandish. impossible. poor girl, for when she flung open the door and cried; "I'm home!! <3" she did realize something was indeed wrong. the furniture was splattered with black paint, and there was furniture overturned everywhere, as if there had been a struggle, but hadn't lasted long. she stood in the doorway as comprehension dawned upon her face. the paint wasn't paint, it was blood! she called out her beloveds name and wandered farther into the house. in the kitchen there lay her husband, his head tilted back and a look of horror on his dead face. all the life was gone from him. a man stood over him. no, not a man. a demon. his form flicked and shimmered in and out of existence. she reached for a knife. as her hands closed around the hilt, he tensed and she froze. then he jumped out of the window, leaving her there with a knife spattered with her husbands blood and him dead. she heard the wail of sirens in the distance, and panicked. she dropped the knife and ran. she heard the clatter of the knife as it hit the tiles in the kitchen. running as fast as she could, she finally came across a small farm hat was willing to take her in. she stayed there and slept for days and when she awoke, anger coursed through her entire being. her husband was dead. she was a fugitive. no one would believe a demon killed her husband, after all, she had been the one with the knife. all of her sorrow over took her and as she went down to the kitchen in a trance, and grabbed two of he nearest carving knives. ignoring the protests of the kitchen workers, she stumbled down the steps to the door. the whole tavern was busy that night, so no one noticed the lone figure glide out the door like a ghost of a memory. with a knife in each hand she thereby resolved to change her lifestyle. she would search for her husbands killer and kill him. or die trying. tears streamed down her face but she held her face firm. one of her eyes changed its color. from blue to red it changed. spirits came down to greet her arrival to the dark side. one stayed with her to guide her and make sure that she never strayed to far from the dark. her demon spirit took on a mind of its own, and cursed her to search from the man that killed her husband forever. she accepted this task with a silent acceptance of what was to be her fate. she still wanderers the land now.
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