[Voice1] i do believe this is my first apperance stare .....interesting. Anyways, after one fancy-yet-not-quite-desirable attempt at tektek avatars, followed by a cosplay of an Original Charecter in Naruto that our host came up with, *we* got serious ([Voiice4] I'M TELLING YOU QUIT REPEATIN THE TITLE STATMENT!]) and decided upon an avi plan. It was something like: "Dak Elf Mistress", on that list was dark purple elvish things, dragons, swirls, and foxes. also to be created ("Summoned", as Voice6 decided to put it) were "Flowy Goth Fox", Mystic White, Dragon Misstress, and Goth Pretty. Those havn't come to light yet, but if Voice6 sees some inspiration again, we'll likly get those up too. However, all that was not to be he case, and our host made a charming little outfit, never mind the price range. [everyvoice] gonk *whine...*
[Voice1] evil Want some cheese with that WHINE? cheese_whine
anyway, while i'm distracting the Voices (They DID want some cheese with that... stare ) you may see our new goal look, along with a few bonuses.

Total Value: 1,648,345 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Scion Bling Necklace
Javelin Impalement
Midnight Gothic Bat Stockings
Gothic Veil
Prism Butterfly Mantilla
Spirit Falcon
Holy Gauntlets
Inari's Beads 11th Gen
Inari's Beads
Inari's Beads
Inari's Beads
Gogh Reed 9th Gen.
original Naruto cahrecter-Madoka Akashiya

Total Value: 3,312,589 Gold
After Exclusions: 3,312,109 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Carol of Ol' Nick 3rd gen.
Orange Stripes Head Tattoo
Warm Starter Ninja Gloves
Ninja Hood
Warm Starter Ninja Tunic
Steel-plated Ninja Band
Ninja Sword
Naruto Kunai
Dark Elf's Circlet
White Polar Expedition Boots
Picolitrosso's Urn 9th Gen.
Enchanted Book 10th Gen.
Gift Box
Lovely Genie Black Bangled Bra
Neutral Dress Starter Slacks
Midnight Black Mistress Dress
Gimpi 7th gen.
Elven Ears
Felicia's Gloves