If any of you have been paying attention lately you'll know that i attended a Bon Jovi concert tonight. It was the best experience I have yet to come by. 25 years and they still sound amazing and can put together a better show than most of these crap teeny bopper things. The lights were really nifty but i must admit I was oogling over Jon Bon Jovi the entire time lol. And singing along of course. The show went on for a good 2 and 1/2 hours and they never seemed to run out of energy. Especially Jon who at one point jumped into the crowd and was attacked by middle aged women in bikinis. lol. He stole the spotlight with his witty coments and cocky moves. Including some very interesting pelvic thrusts and booty shaking. lmao. You just couldn't take your eyes off of him. Jon decided that the media wasn't getting good pictures of him so he stole one of the cameras and proceded to take pictures of himself. Even invited us to take him home. Oh did the women scream. Myself included of course. I went insane when they came on and after every song. Wanted Dead or Alive was one of the best. They started playing the music and it came to the hook and they didn't sing and just let us do it. We sang about half the song that way and the band seemed impressed and then started over with the audience as a duet. Most of the songs were that way. VERY audience participation. At one point we threw a beach ball around but whatever thats off track. Bad Medicine was another one of my favorites. It was an incredibly long number and we were all singing along. It was just a great experience. Then came the finale. I think you all know what i'm talking about.... Livin on a Prayer. Just thinking about it makes me all happy and light inside. It was beautiful. I don't even have words to describe it. Singing along with my idols was amazing. I would get to the chorus and just let my head fall back and sing. It was incredible. I can't believe it's over... Go see Bon Jovi. They still got it.
darlaicsoh · Fri Jun 26, 2009 @ 07:03am · 0 Comments |