Gay Babies
I thought I'd talk about some other stuff that happened last week. First of all, after all the awkward silences we had from our jokes, we have determined that every time there is an awkward silence a gay baby is born. XD lulz anyway, there was a kid named Miles that had like a huge crush on Akenna, and since we all thought he was really creepy we decided to mess with him. I texted him on Akeenas phone saying I was Matthew, and told him that I was dating her. He got sooooo pissed off at me. He eventually just said if I said anything to him about it he'd fight me. I don't think it would be much of a fight would be more of a beatdown, I could never see this kid in a fight. He's so creepy though. He wears sunglasses everywhere, even indoors and even at night. And he never looks through them, he always looks over them. And he talks funny. Lol ya so anyway at the end of the week he called Akeena a slut and said that she was easy to get. That made me feel really insulted. "Easy to get" come on oh my ******** god neither of us are easy to get. So yeah, that pretty much sums up last week. Meanwhile, I'm thinking about what to do for my birthday. Since it's my 16th, I wanna do something crazy, but I don't know what. So far, the only plan I have is to dye my hair black. Since I don't have any other ideas, I'm probably gonna meet up with a bunch of friends at the mall and have dinner and then go see a movie. sad I wanna do something crazy but I don't know what. If anybody has any ideas please tell me. So yeah, I keep wondering why summer is supposed to be fun since school is out and all, yet I have had nothing to do. I had camp last week, and I went to the pool with Katy and Cassy yesterday, but that was about it. Everyone seems to always be busy, so I have no one to hang out with, and being at home is really boring. But omg yesterday was fun. I went down to fort gatlin since it's like 2 blocks from my house. We reestablished the gay baby thing from last week. Then, Katy's top came untied. And no one pulled on it, it just came untied. Lol that was interesting... then we were sitting at a table eating and this homeless guy was on his side at a table and we weren't sure if he was sleeping or dead. Eventually a lifeguard came over and banged on his table to wake up. Katy and Cassy matched too, it was so cute! ^^ They matched with everything except their tops, they even drank their Cokes at like the exact same time. Lol then we were throwing the bottles at each other for no reason. And they had to go fill the bottles and we all splashed each other. Yeah, we're crazy people. And according to them, I have soft and sexy arms. Lol I don't know where that came from I was spacing off out of the conversation when they started feeling my arms and saying my arms were soft. It was kinda weird, but whatever. I wanted to go back today, but my mom was bitchin and saying I can't, because she was pissed because when I called to tell her that I wanted to go to the pool, she didn't pick up so I left a voicemail, and she said I should have waited until she picked up or something. I hate that b***h. So yeah, today has been boring. Just like most of my summer. Oh yeah, as a result of my boredom, I've been toying with emoticons and have come up with one for kirby: (>^_^)> Lol it's so cute! Man, yesterday was a hectic day. I had fun at the pool and all, but then I come home, eat dinner, hear my mom b***h to me, then I get a text from Stitch saying Michael Jackson had died. I didn't believe her at first, but it turned out to be true. That really sucks. He had a lot of controversy around him, but he made some great hits, and he was a big influence on music and pop culture. It's sad to see him die, especially since he was having a 50th birthday summer comeback tour, since he turned 50 last year. In honor of him, I played through Michael Jackson's Moonwalker. If anyone has never played this game, you have to, cuz it's a great game. It's for 32x, but I have it on an emulator. You have to go through clubs (levels) and kill bad guys and rescue little children. Walking is really moonwalking, and you can kick, punch, kick sparkly stuff (not sure what it is, but it's an attack), and suck stuff into his hat. The last one is the best. It sucks up health, but he throws his hat out and it sucks up enemies. It's great. Some enemies just fight physically, and some have guns. Each level you have to rescue all the children in a level, and each child you find restores a little health. As funny as it may be, I don't think it's right for a game to poke fun at him like that. I'm suprised he didn't try to get it discontinued. He gets pretty pissed off about stuff like that. If anyone remembers when Eminem made the Just Lose It music video a few years ago, he made fun of Michael Jackson at the beginning, poking fun at him being a *****, and the video shows him with his head on fire and dunking himself in a toilet. That was going on at the same time as his sexual child abuse case, but I thought it was going a little too far, and after Michael complained, BET pulled the video. I think MTV did too, but it was already out to the world, so you can still find it on some websites. But yeah, music will not be the same without Michael Jackson. Rest in Peace, Michael! Yeah, I think I'll go now, I've just made a huge blog here lol. You know, I wonder if anyone ever reads my blogs anymore. I know people used to, but since I couldn't blog for a while, I wonder if anyone noticed that I started again. Oh well, if you are reading this, bye lulz!