Blue Moon Art Shoppe
Welcome to Moony and Blue's Art Shoppe! Take a gander on our uber Elite Skillz and see if one of us can hook you up! ;P
I. Who are we???
II. Work Examples and Prices
III. Fill out Form
IV. The Busy List!
V. Updates
VI. Grafitti Wall and Fill out Form
VII. Recommended Links
I. Who are we???
Gaian Name: blue_eyed_wolf16
Deviant Name: Shadow-05
Real Name: Ashley
Age: 18
DOB: January 24, 1991
Gender: Female
Status: taken
Zodiac: Aquarius
Natural Hair: Medium Brown
Eyes: Blue
Religion: N/A
Location: CA
Likes: Good Humor, anime, animals, manga, art (mainly drawing),and hiking.
Dislikes: Annoying people

My Stuffs:
My Prices: My Prices:
7k per full body
9k per full body couple art
Waist up 5k
Chibi 5k
Refunds?: Yes. I will redo the art until you like it or return half of the money I'm payed
Time Period: About a couple weeks
My Flaws: hands, and n***s
What I'm Willing to do: pretty much anything
Art Examples:
5. More than one body in one pic will increase the charge just 25% more. So if there are two bodies instead of 50 it'll be 75. This is whether or not you just want torso or full body.
6. I draw chibi style and regular anime style
II. Work Examples and Prices:
III. Fill out Form:
Avie Art Form:
Gaian Name:
Which Artist would you like?:
Do you want your username in the pic?:
Torso or Full Body?:
How many bodies? And who is the other user?:
Chibi, Anime, RL:
Particular position or creative?:
Your Price:
Banner Form:
Gaian Name:
What kind of Image?:
Do you have an image?:
Particular Font color or size?:
Message for Banner:
Url for Banner:
Your price:
IV. The Busy List!:
V. Updates:
VI. Grafitti Wall and Fill out Form:
(Nothing too inappropriate but PM me if you wish to sign it.)
(I would like the following request form filled out when signing the graffiti wall:
Username or N/A:
Font size or default:
Font color or default:
Align or N/A:
Bold, Italic, Underline, Strike through or N/A:
Recommended Links:
- If you want a business thread advertised (shop, quest, RP, or chat) please PM me with a banner and your agreement to help keep this thread active.