Today I learned some odd and strange and slightly funny. My friend send me some personality test via email as a joke. Everyone had took it and wrote what they got on the five test. Many of them got similar things. That looked like this (I'm showing what most people got) ...
Happy and Smiles (What are you most like generally?)<Everyone except for me got this.> Lincoln and Washington and Carter and Bush(Which president(s) or world leader(s) are you most?) <Wow most of my friends got L.W. and two others but some got C.B. and fell off the boat> Heaven or Hell (Are you damed?) No, you're dead. (Would you survive a nuclear war?) <Again everyone except for me> Marry (Are you a marry for power girl or make your own?)<I was again the only person not to get this>
I guess I really just don't fit the picture...
'cool'Cool and Determined <this is life boat to my ship> eek'Reagan and Nixon and Stalin and Hitler <and now someone has drilled holes in my ship and life boat...i feel loved > burning_eyesPurgatory <wow i must have friends in high places... maybe i'll meet hitler or stalin there> 'stare'Yes, you started it. <real high places> You made it. <with nuclear warheads and a seat next to Stalin 'twisted'>
wahmbulance I emailed this back to my friends. They emailed me some pictures in a slide show that they put together. At the top it said family photos and began to play It Ends Tonight by the All American Rejects. I knew that I was in for it. They put a picture each world leader then a picture of me from photos at school. Then they put a picture of them and me sitting around a table (like in old family pictures) which looked like the real thing. Thanks, you damn PhotoSnap editing system. Then after five long seconds it changed to a blank screen and the words IZZY TIME slid across. The music, of corse, changed to Can't Touch This. They put my soccer videos in it with some editing again. It started with one of my goalie kicks and when it lands it explodes. Then one of my through ins which I pegged a girl in the head and it explodes. Then some football pictures come up in which I though the ball and who ever catches it explodes (which would help on interceptions). sweatdrop At the end, it show me yelling at some boys (who happened to have been wearing camo) and slapping one for yelling back. My voice was blurred (until the end) and my put in subtitles telling the boys to go destroy and kill everything of importance. eek At the last couple seconds, the boy yelled your not the boss, and I slapped him and 'scream' said then how come I just b***h slapped you and now do what I said. roflThe voice had unblurred. I've got good luck, great friends, and a place in Purgatory. I feel loved'heart'.