Shhhiiiit. Love?
I feel so weird. Me, Laura and Tuuli were at Tuuli's home. We had fun, we were very crazy and talked about anything. It was so lovely. heart Our hide cake was the best. ^_^ I'm scared of myself. I think I don't love Niko anymore. I don't even know him. I'm stupid, I love a boy who doesn't know me, and I don't even know him. So, I'll stop this. I'll try to forget him. We don't belong together, and I'm happier if I don't think about him anymore.
I think... I have a new crush already. ._. But it's impossible. Laura told me about it. She said that me and that person bring together. And then I started to thing about that seriously. And now I don't know what I have to do and what's real. But what Laura said... It makes me scared everytime I think about it. ._.
(Sorry, I feel weird as I said and my english is from a**.)