♥ I've got a smile on my face and a [******** you attitude...
{♥I don't understand
I am confused...
I've been makin myself stronger
my heart,
my mind...
I no longer need him...
at least I don't think I do.
I did all that I could to hurt myself more so the real pain I feel
becomes no more
I did all that I could to take myself away from him
but not entirely
He is a part of me as much as I don't wish it
He is in my memories
He is in my heart.....a*****e....
He is in my dreams
He is in my waking
He is in my life no matter how I try to take him out
I thought I was free
I thought I was happy
I thought I was at peace
I'm confused...
Why is this so?
How is this possible?
What can I do to free myself of your constant torment to my heart?
my mind?
my soul?
I thought I was gettin stronger..
I thought I was cured.
I guess I missed a spot....♥}
... because from this day forward I'm livin my life for myself. ♥