The Idiotic Adventures of the Crazies:
Episode 7: Giggly's Whacky Story
A little girl at the age of 5 walks into a butcher shop to buy food. "Hi there Mister! :3" She said.
The big scary man looked her way with huge scary eyes glaring back at her. "What do you want kid?"
The little girl was not scared one bit. "I would like some cow meat, please. :3"
The scary man grabbed a dead cow's body part and butchered it with his butch knife as the little girl watched.
A few moments after the butcher was done, he placed the butchered meat into a bag and handed it over to the little girl. "That will be 5 bucks, young Missy."
The little girl extended her little arms to grab the bag of meat. "My name is Giggles. :3"
"Nice to know that?"
"Can I become your apprentice? :3" The scary man scratched his head thinking..
The little girl watched in patience. The scary man looked at the girl once again. "Eh..sure why not."
The little girl squealed in excitement and ran home to cook the meat.
The next day..
The little girl walked to the butcher's shop. "Hello?"
The scary man was doing his usual business but stopped to turn tot he little girl. "Come in," he said.
The little girl walked in. "By the way..what's your name Mister?"
The scary man looked down. "Kung Poo."
"That's a radd name!!" Smiled Giggles.
Kung Poo chuckled and said, "Weird kid." He then started teaching Giggles about butchering.
10 years later..
A girl at the age of 15 named Giggles now works at a butcher shop. Unfortunately, the shop is closing down and Giggles has to go elsewhere as Kung Poo has to find new business.
Kung Poo said his goodbyes with Giggles and she did the same. They both hope to see each other again someday.
And now, Giggles is on a journey to finding a place to stay as she has no home to go to anymore.
Three years later of traveling..
"Whoa. That is one creepy hospital." Giggles said as she stared at a huge hospital with broken windows and graffiti.
She walked in and up to the front desk. "Um.."
An old woman turned around. She seemed to have an eyepatch covering one eye, mustache growing on her upper lip, and a boil on her nose. "Can I help you young one?" She said with a creepy man's voice.
"o.o Are you man?"
">,> Why ask?"
Giggles shrugged. "Just curious."
"I may be a man. Now how can I help you?"
"Can I work here?"
"Do you have any skills?"
"I used to be a butcher..?"
"Eh..good enough. You're hired." The old woman gave Giggles a uniform.
Giggles changed into her uniform. "Damm I look gorgeous as butcher/nurse. XD"
Shortly after Giggles worked at the hospital, the hospital was under attack. Everyone tried evacuating but they were trapped in. So the only way to get out was to slaughter the building.
"How the hell are we supposed to slaughter through brick walls? >,>" Yelled Giggles.
"You're a butcher aren't you. >,>" Said the old hag.
Giggles thought about it. "I am but I've only butchered thing that are not bricks."
"Then think of the bricks as human bones. >=[ Just get us all out of here."
"What?! >;o You guys aren't gonna help me?!" Everyone just shook their heads. "Fine."
Giggles butchered her way out of the building as people followed behind her. But Giggles was upset that these people aren't helping. So she thought of a devious plan to not help them.
She kept butchering the walls and as she found two exits. One to freedom and the other to the people who were attacking the building. She ran out the exit to freedom then closed the opening right after she got out. So the people inside had no choice but to go the out the other exit.
"Man, I'm a genius." Giggles did a victory dance then ran away from the place.
Giggles then went ran to another city. "Time to find another place to work and live in."
She then ran into a girl named Gamer and her pet monkey, Jack.
"Hi there. :3" Giggles greeted.
"Hello. ^^" Gamer replied.
"I'm Giggles."
"I'm Gamer and this is Jack. Heading to anywhere special?"
"Not really. I just wanna find a good place to stay at. You?"
"Hm..pretty much the same. Wanna look together? =D"
"Sure why not."
The two ran into a giant chicken. "That looks yummy. Don't you think so, Jack?" Asked Gamer. Jack nodded quickly.
Giggles then thought of something, using her butchering skills. "Would you like to eat chicken for lunch?"
"That would be nice.=P"
Giggles then pounced the giant chicken and--censored--.
Scenes cut to a fireplace..
Gamer and Giggles sat around a campfire as they roasted chicken as Jack hung from his tail above them.
"You're really good at butchering."
"And you're really good at firing bombs. The mustard gives off a an interesting taste when roasted."
The two girls laughed.
They then went to sleep.
The next morning..
"Time to get going.." They both packed up and went back to traveling. But as they traveled, they kept running into monstrous things.
A month had passed and they had finally reached a destination.
They walked into a restaurant in Barton Town.
Things being broken and crashed and people thrown. That was how the two girls were greeted.
"What a crazy place."
A person appeared out of no where next to them. "As expected from the Crazy Crew Guild."
"Crazy Crew Guild?" The two girls said in harmony.
"Oh you never heard? Well this is the craziest guild you'll ever see. Also, they are one of THE best guilds ever."
The two girls looked at each other and smiled. "Looks like we found the place."
A:"Finally ended.AAAhhhhhhh"
Ga:" Sucks that the author deleted the awesome fighting scenes though.. >,>"
Gi:"No kidding..she sucks..just cuz the images are bad for children.."
A:"Shut the pudding up and do your'll get to do what you want later.. >,>"
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Mostly stories that I write. No offenses intended. I swear. Seriously.
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Crazy Crew is Where I Belong..

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