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A view to my life
I am nick my name is nick just read it it is good
Observations about life
These are some things that I have noticed also included is my point of view on the issue!

1. People that mock the flag salute in America are basterds! They dont have any respect for their country, we killed lots of english people they killed lots of us and they cant show respect for our nation by saying a short little statement when People died just to estabilish this country. Show some patrioism dammit!

2. Women Smarter Let's see I have also noticed that overall women seem to be more intelligent than men there are few like me who contain some knowledge though. Which brings me to another topic there are way too many stupid people on this planet we call earth they are spreading like wildfire, they are so oblivious and will never know how to full enjoy life, it makes me sad.

3. America is one of the best countrys to live. People will probably flame me for this but I dont care because this statement is so true. The media only tells you bad things about our country so you can never accurately understand what really goes on! For you people that say our country has gone to hell ! Have you ever been to other countrys to base this information on I think not! Here is another example of people influenced by what they hear and also another example of people who are stupid and believe what other people tell them because they are too lazy to fully check out the siaution and understand the whole thing! Also people who say our economy is bad. Are you Serious?? Look at all the uhh.. how can I say this nicely? horizantly large people up and walking around. If anything our economy is too good, and I'm sure that you can prove that our economy is bad right? If you send me statistics about how many people unemployed make sure to show both sides I also want to see the number of people that are employed! If our country is so bad then why does it have one of the highest immigration rates, last time I check were on the few countrys that has a right to trial and we can exercis our beliefs to whatever extent we desire without being killed!!

4. Celebritys and their influence. I think that celebritys have way too much influence in our country! Look at Arnold (cant spell his last name). He got to be the Govenor of California, even though he was republican in a mostly democratic state! Celebritys running against politicians isnt very fair for the politician and thus dont have a fair chance as they have no previous movies or anything to influence people to their liking, so its kindof like the celebrity has a head start. Well thats the bit about celebrities turning political. Also there is the celebrities like Johhny Depp, and Brad Pitt or whatevey that make girls all lovey dovey not that I'm saying all girls do this or anything I'm just saying that a rather large portion do, this can go both ways as well about guys and female celebrities although I dont know any woman celebrites to fit in that area however. Yes Its normal to have a role model personally I look up to Jackie Chan, and Albert Einstein. So I think its ok to admire celebriteis just most people take it to far and become obsessive and stuff, that is scary and wrong. It's not like that celebritie is ever going to meet them or anything, and how can they full understand that particuluar person by what the media tells you? you dont personally know the person so how can you how can I Know what they are really like?

5. Make up for girls. I think that it is wrong its like trying to be something that you arent and for all the killing of the animals they do one wonders if it is really worth it. I mean if your trying to look good dont do it by pretty much making your face look artificial. If you want to get noticed by that special someone then, you truly want them to like you for what you really look like not that artificial face that you hide behind. You dont see guys hiding some mask or whatever you call it. Again I'll probably get flamed for this but this is my opnion and I'm sticking to it and theres nothing you can say to change my opnion!

6. Anime ok I know that I'm defnitely going to get flamed for this one! biggrin I have noticed on shows like Inuyasha, and sailor moon, and Evangellion I believe its called the girls are like 14 years old and they have really short skirts, or tight revealing clothing. I know that in Japanese culture that female nudity is accecptable and stuff but are we in Japan I think not my friend. What if some 10 year old watches it, then he tells his friends about it. There would be all sorts of emotional crap, and they would probably hit puberty much earlier. If their under 18 in this country arent they considered children or something, well that means that their involving children in explicit clothing, that is kind of scary once you think about it you know. I'm not saying all anime is bad in fact lots of it is good and I enjoy it ! I was just pointing out one detail that I was concerned about!

7. The holy Bible! I belive in god and I also see how people can believe in evoloution and such but thats not that point. The bible sets standards for people to live by, and gives advice. However the people of biblical times were not struggling with unplanned preganancys, gay marrigaes, and stuff like sex toys that encourage masturbation! Look i'm not a pervet or anything what I'm saying is this, they people then were thinking on a differnent mental channel then we were. The bible advises against premaritail sex, gay marriages, and masturbation. However they didnt have the tv which can influence people towards sex. They didnt have all this freedom of choice stuff, they had dictators and set ways of thinking. Also people make sex toys, that encourage masturbation. So you see I think what we do should be between us and god, I mean the times are diffent today much different than they were in the past! The bible came out in the past, and we dont live in the past. Do you see my point? If you think that I'm an idiot and that I'm just confused thats cool. You have the right to uphold your opnion!

8. Tall people. I have noticied that the people of my generation 1989-1995 If you were born in that time. Their freakishly tall!! I'm 5'2 which is like very short by todays standards. If you look back like 50 years ago then you see that then you will see that I would be about average height. I think that everybody is so tall due to hormones that they out into the food that you digest and goes into your system. I meant most people today are taller than their parents arent they? My point is only eat organic foods!! Nothing against you tall people of course

9. Manners. This is probaly the most lost thing among today's society! That is not good at all, manners is the art of interaction with other human beings succesfully and in a positive influence! So youg get rid of manners and then you have people like "what up", "sup", "G-dog". What the hell?! This is just more proof that people are becoming more stupid throughout time. There are people that still try to uphold these forgotten ways though and to those I say "god job" . The most abused of all manners I would say is the treatment of a lady. God who invented hit lines anyway, theres a reason their called hit lines because you get HIT when you say them! Sorry ladies hang in their after all their is still that one percent of smart peopl right. Is my point made, I hope so. So get out there people and show some manners!

10. Judging people. This goes on alot in american culture. At school, work, just about anywhere you can find it. This is so very very wrong. People judge me because I'm short, People judge me because I have a little ponytail. Well what do I mean judged more like insulted is more like it! Why? I dont judge people based on physical charestics, religion, or beliefs. I have a high respect for goths I guess their called for showing their disgust with everything and dressing the way they do, even though their looked down upon by people their not looked down upon by me I look up to them for having courage that I dont. Maybe this is done to make yourself look better, for popularity, or to express anger or emotion. No matter the reason It's wrong so very wrong, So if you judge people please stop it , at least make effort for a friendly approach first ok. Maybe you could find some common ground then possibly you could be friends. If you see that one kid being made fun of then dont join in, dont ignore the siaution make an effort to talk with he/she get to know them. Its easy to harass people its much harder to be their friend.

...I hope that maybe this might have changed your outlook on life at least a litte bit. Or at least educated you if you took the time to read this all then pat yourself on the back.

User Comments: [14] [add]
Harpy Hunter
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Nov 21, 2004 @ 07:27pm
Okay. I don't hate you any... nor do I change the way I feel about you. I agree with pratically everything you said up there. So why would this make me feel any different towards you??? xd

Take carez!!! 3nodding

commentCommented on: Sun Nov 21, 2004 @ 08:16pm
Don't hate you for this. I actually agree with all topics you wrote in here. Well, one I disagree with but it doesn't matter. Actually smarter writing than I would've expected. Not to be steriotypical, but most guys I meet online wouldn't have put so much effort itno something like this, heck they wouldn't even written it actually. Have to say I agree with "manners", "judging people", and "celebrities and their influences" the most out've all, judging people is by far the best one though. And it's too true. There are too many steriotypical people out there. Ok, I'm going to stop talking now sweatdrop In short: Good job on the pbservations thing.

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de Alighieri
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Nov 21, 2004 @ 08:33pm
OMG, I agree with you on so many levels! Exept for the ones that pretain only to america. Germany is good too, exept for men HAVE to serve in the army, so my daddy and my brother are in the military crying

commentCommented on: Sun Nov 21, 2004 @ 08:36pm
The part about make up is true too! I don't wear it. I hate hurting animals, so I'm a vegetarian too (which is actually really hard in Germany, so I stick to Japanishe essen)

de Alighieri
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commentCommented on: Sun Nov 21, 2004 @ 08:50pm
I'm glad to see that other's share the same viewpoints that I do! biggrin

commentCommented on: Sun Nov 21, 2004 @ 09:17pm
You could;ve made a topic that people actually would've read. razz

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Mr. A. Figment
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Nov 21, 2004 @ 11:49pm
Hi nick. . . I've herd all this before so you allready know i agree with it.
I will now finish with loads of bable.

commentCommented on: Mon Nov 22, 2004 @ 02:37am
Well first off i must give you credit for making such a good point. 3nodding
Some people could show some more respect towards this country and appreciate it more 3nodding . Don't know about the smater thing although yes there are a select few such as ourselves that aren't brainless morons.
Not all is good and not all is bad about america as with everything has its pros and cons about it, id agree to say that we are definately more fortunate than some other countrys though.
Celebrity influence is something that people take to much notice towards, just because they are famous doesn't mean that they can do a good job of something else unless they actually can prove their worth. I don't mind make-up on girls as long as it isn't over excessive. Some animes can be very suggestive with certain content and thats why there are labels on them as with many other things warning about what they contain. I'm an Atheist myself but i respect other people's religous beliefs. 3nodding The bible does have some interesting points but also some unexplainable contradictions too. surprised
Really?! so im not the only one that has noticed, i think that i'm short too at around 5'8. but i guess it is average for 17 right? sweatdrop
Manners yes, Some people can be lacking them severely in addition to common sense.
People judge other people because they are insecure about themselves and judging others makes them feel better about themselves, they should let go of thier shallow prejiduce views and learn to accept people for who they are.

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The Writing Writer
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commentCommented on: Wed Nov 24, 2004 @ 04:34am
Nope. Not changed in any way. The only difference is that the fact that you are really dumb and make glaringly obvious points and pass them off as smart is now even more firmly cemented in my mind.

commentCommented on: Fri Dec 03, 2004 @ 01:10am
I agree with you on so many levels. Be my friend? smile Just a few comments though...

3.) <---can't stress enough on how much I agree with you. Why do other countries hate us? Because we're the best damn country there is!

4.) <---also agree. I just hope that some voters are smart enough to have an opinion of their own, and not rely on those of "oh-so-adorkable" celebrities. And, commenting as a former Depphead, Johnny Depp actually moved to Paris to avoid the political games going on in Hollywood.

8.) <---the way they dress doesn't bother me all that much. A lot of the anime imported to the US, is very edited actually.

Community Member
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commentCommented on: Sat Dec 04, 2004 @ 03:30am
Omg, Thank you! I agree so much with you. I was actually watching Inu Yasha a few weeks back and the girl was completely nude. I also heard two children near my house talking about it. they are, mmm, maybe 8? It's just wrong...

commentCommented on: Tue Dec 07, 2004 @ 06:53pm
Ok, This is Heather, Brittany's friend by the way, and while i deisagree with some of your more politiacal statements and religious ones(the flag, etc. and what's wrong with masturbation?) I did think that some of your othere points were pretty good (and some even funny) The hit lines bit, and the bit about makeup and manners. And I respect you for sticking up and posting your opinions, although dissing "stupid" people when your own grammar and spelling is atrocious is rather hypocritical.

The Jolly Glomper
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The Jolly Glomper
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commentCommented on: Tue Dec 07, 2004 @ 06:57pm
oh, adn about celebrities and their influences: Yes, goign totally ga-ga over some famous man (or woman) you don't even know isn't right, but liking the way someone looks isn't wrong, and celebrities are real people too, with opinions. Not to mention Johnny Depp is actually ver talented.

commentCommented on: Thu Dec 16, 2004 @ 05:59am
Hey Nick. smile I'd just like to point out that Inuyasha is on Adult Swim. Usually younger children can't stay up late enough to watch those shows.....And if they do, there is a warning before the show starts that states it is for 14 year-olds & up only. If the kid watches anyways its their fault not the Anime's. Besides there is more explicit clothing, or lack thereof, in commercials on everyday television, than there is in any Anime that has a rating of M15 and below....Nice chatting with you. Jaa! smile

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