‘Aw hell. I was in deep s**t now! But How Am’ I Going to do it?‘ These were thought I was thinking as I stared straight ahead to my doom, to my division captain as my co-worker watch, me go up to his desk. The man who gave me a mission I couldn’t complete…..I couldn’t exactly finish.
“Your mission is to kill Satoshi and bury him among the dead where he should belong! Understood?” The covered masked girl nodded as she bow and turn around quickly taking off in a sprint.
-End of flashback-
‘s**t he’s not gonna be happy!’ I came to a stop as I reach my captain desk. “Ah Group division 4th fourth member Alison. What news do you bring me of your latest mission?”
His dark green eyes stared at me from his solider ninja uniform given out to all division members of The Snake ninja corporations Division.
The Division I work in. His badge of captain rank hanging down on the neck chain he usually wore. His pale complexion showing how slightly toned he was just by the short sleeves of his uniform of intimidation and his dark brown hair spiked up in different direction that was held by his ninja headband.
He folded his gloved hands onto his desk as I set down my file report of my mission on the desk. He raised an eyebrow at me and then picks up my file report opening it as he non-chantingly went through it as I stood there.
I go through Alison, My subornation, written report. Anger flooded through me as I slowly looked up at her. “I’m sorry sir.”
She bows her head down in shame. “Since I lost him, I’ll be sure to make it my full responabilties to get him!” She looked up from the bow head. ‘Aw double s**t! I knew he was gonna pissed off….’
“YOU DAMN RIGHT YOU ARE!” I exploded, but saw her finch from the reaction. I sighed deeply and put head into my left hand.
“But for now we’ll worried about it tomorrow. Head on home and I’ll see you after I’m done here.” “Hai!” she replied. “And Alison……” I looked up at her.
“ Yes sir?” she took her mask off revealing her dark brown eyes and Carmel tan skin, her brown hair tied up in a bun, messy one at that. ‘Her hair is getting longer….’ She stood only five nine but to me as I’m sitting she looked taller.
“Bake a cake……” At that moment everything stopped as a smile grace her soft full lips. ‘Wait! What the ******** am’ I Thinking!’ I thought. “Sure….” She replied, and bows slightly as she stood herself up straightly and turns around walking away.
I watched her as she open the door and walk thought the portal taking her back to the city central building in New York.
I sighed in relief and looked around to see the rest of my subrogates smirking at me secretly. “G-Get to work! “ I yelled as they jolted and quickly went back to their normal route.
I sighed again and looked down at my desk, and the work she gave me. “She’s just a friend. “ I muttered. “ Yeah and she also knows you’re a over-sized snake! “ “Great A little voice in my head talking to me now? And I’m a over-sized shape shifting cobra thank you! “ I hissed.
“Ouchy, touch’ a aren’t we? “ “Shut up!” I yelled as my subrogates looked over to me. “Heh Heh Spanish, “ I hold up a pair of headphones. “ Can’t stand a word….” They looked over to the nearest person and shrugged, and quickly went back to work. “Phew…that was close….Can things go any worst?” I muttered.
Later that night he arrive back a dark aged manor pulling up to the curb of the home. He shut the car engine off and grab his keys, opening the door and getting out shutting the car door with a soft slam.
He walked up the step and open the door. inside the manor The carpet was a dark red color and the drapes were a softer color of red. Oak wooden table held vases full of black and red roses onto the right and left of the large entrance of the manor cedar door.
“Jay welcome home.” A soft voice came in front of him as he hung his coat up into the closet near the right of the door. He shut the door of the closet and look over to the voice. It was she was stnading before him in nothing but her underwear and black tanktop.
Her hair was brush and reach above her knees. " U-m. Yeah..." He looked away blushing. But from the corner of his eyes he could see her raising an eyebrow. "Are you okay?" she ask.
".............." He took off running past her in a blur and ran up the stairs down the halls. " Umm...." Ailson stood there blinking a few times before shrugging. " Okkaaayyy then.... he'll see the cake near his bedside." She yawned and casually walked off.
Meanwhile with Jay he reach hsi bedroom and shut the door breathing slightly. he shook his head and spotted the cake near his bed. He smile and sighed deeply.
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Yu Call me Crazy But Really You have no Idea.
Keep it safe, keep it hidden. for this secrets in my life is within. Joking! The hell it ain't it holds roleplaying characters, Ideas, Written stories, and some other shitz.
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