Butther Finger...

*Cough* Welcome everyone, to Channel 25 News, the news that tells all the information needed. RIght now, it seems to be Wednesday, at 6:00 p.m. Sadly, (Not Very) Tranz quit yesterday. The bad news really is that I'm getting sick again, and Seckshual is only an assistant, so we decided to hire another person. Everyone get ready for Homowh the Hobo!

Do I get my break yet? Hey, nice hair, Rock On, Dude!
Well actually we're live on TV right now, so say hello to the camera, and Thanks. He'll also be filling in for Tranz so he'll also use her color
... I wasn't talking to you. "Hello Camera!" Not to be rude and all, well I'm actually always rude but can I ask if my color is pink or anywhere close to pink?
Wait, you weren't talking about my hair? And no it's no where near pink. The only person that has a color next to pink would be Seckshual.
Well I was talking about Seckshual's hair.
Thanks, I'm actually bald so I needed to cover it up.
Well, "Homowh, Seckshual", and a guest will fill in for me tomorrow. It's your lucky day, Seckshual. We're going talk about Britney Spears today.
Ugh! Please talk about her name next to me!
I thought you liked her?
I used to, I like someone else now, "Miss Independant"!
Oh My Gaia! I know that guy, "Come Closer"!
Well, I guess we're not talking about "her" today and I don't know who you're talking about, but on with the show!
Demonic Anklets is for 66,800 gold and is selling at the price by Jace Quin.
Wow, you're doing really good. Death Whisper is being sold by xXKazama_jinxX for 100,000 gold.
Donations to Suku-Senpai are at 2,000 gold.
Random Item is the Catastrophe. It is being sold by Squals Knight for 17,300 gold.
Well it looks like it is the end of the show. Tune in for another report tomorrow.
And the next day, and the next, and the next, and the ne-
Well! It looks like we're wasting too much time so how about we go find some monkeys to play with!
Hey how much do they pay us for every show?
Like, hmm, about somewhere around 150,000 gold.
I could buy myself a lot of things with that....
Homowh - Signed Out
Seckshual - Signed Out
Wade, if you're listening to this broadcast right now, then I would like you to know that we are a couple steps further from knocking Gold-S**t out of the charts. If you cannot reply, use Suku-Senpai to comment this report to tell us the next plan. I hope Gold-S**t doesn't do anything that would be suprisingly fatal to both our News Reports. *Cough*
Butther Finger - Signed Out