TLLF: Chapter 5 Part 2
The morning broke. The sun steadily came over the mountains and shined like fire across the sky. The trees turned a shade of light green and the dew glistened on the soft grass. There was a slight chill in the air that made the moist air lighten. The first bird sang. High up in the tree tops, the others joined in song. The blonde stirred. His eyes twitching in the light and his lungs taking in a deeper breath. He opened his aqua, blue eyes to see strait locks of red hair and a hard, but soft wooden face. The red head’s eyes were closed as if asleep, his hair draped over his eyebrows and his arms circled around the blonde’s waist. Deidara smiled at the sight of Sasori resting. He looked so peaceful like this. Considering they had all five scrolls, he decided not to rush getting up. Instead, he pressed himself as much as he could agents Sasori, but it didn’t seem close enough. Deidara moved his left leg over Sasori’s right so everything was close. Being this close made him feel more safe, more protected. Deidara wrapped his arm around Sasori’s shoulder to gain support and then snuggled his nose and lips into the red head’s neck. Sasori’s eyes opened slowly. Once opened his eyes couldn’t see past the sea of blonde hair. He chuckled a bit and gently stroked the thigh that he noticed was over his legs.
“ Morning to you too.” Sasori chuckled as he kissed the top of Deidara’s head tenderly. Deidara raised his head so he was eye level with Sasori then smiled.
“ I could say the same. Thigh stroker, un.” Deidara giggled.
“ I don’t see you complaining. ” Sasori said with a sly smile. Deidara laughed then kissed Sasori’s bottom lip.
“ I would never complain about that Sasori-Danna, un.” Deidara breathed. Sasori was silent. He looked at Deidara with a soft smile on his wooden face. He leaned his lips over to Deidara’s (Witch isn’t a very long way. Just a few millimeters.) and kissed him soft at first, then got more fierce the longer it went on. His hand stroked Deidara’s thigh in time with his kiss, and slowly traveled around and grabbed the back of Deidara’s thigh. Deidara moaned in the kiss, but it became louder when he felt a tight grip behind his upper thigh. Sasori’s other hand tangled itself in Deidara’s long hair and pulled back slightly, tilting Deidara’s head up a bit. He gently nibbled on the blonde’s lower lip before heading down to the neck. Deidara eyes closed slightly, his expression pleasurable and his face a shade of pink. His breathing sped up as he felt Sasori’s tongue trace along the creases in his neck. Sasori was enjoying himself, but he didn’t want to take it too far in the early morning where they could easily be seen. But still, he wanted to have a bit of fun. He liked hearing Deidara’s pleasurable moans, and he loved the way the blonde would wither under his touch. He lifted up Deidara’s thigh and traced his fingers along it, softly and slightly moving them along Deidara’s thigh. Deidara shivered under the strokes. Each one was enough to make a small moan out of him. He smiled and lowered his thigh off of Sasori. Sasori stopped stroking him and smiled a sly smile at the blonde. Deidara hugged Sasori and ran his fingers through the red hair.
“ Your such a person pleaser Sasori, un.” Deidara chuckled lightly. Sasori smirked and snickered.
“ I like to please you. You just look so hot when I do.” He said. Deidara laughed.
“ If we didn’t have to go back, I would stay here with you forever Danna, un.” Deidara said softly as he stroked Sasori’s cheek. Sasori nodded and smiled.
“ Since we came here in my puppet, how about we leave on your bird?” Sasori suggested. Deidara’s face brightened. Sasori had never gave the offer for him to use his art before! This was a chance that shouldn’t be passed up.
“ Really, un!” He perked. Sasori nodded with a smile.
“ Yeah. Get your clothes on and we will go.” He replied. Deidara grinned, hugged and kissed Sasori happily.
“ Ok, un! Thank you so much!” Deidara thanked. He parted from Sasori and hurried to get his clothes on. Sasori watched him. He loved it when Deidara was happy. How he would smile and lightly move around as if he was dancing. Sasori watched him for a moment before sitting up and getting himself ready. A few minutes later, Deidara and Sasori were dressed and ready.
“ Ok, un! Prepare to be amazed!” Deidara called. Sasori smiled and stood watching as Deidara reached into his bag and pulled out a bit of clay. He closed his hand, letting the mouth eat it then spit it back up. When he opened it, the clay was a small bird. He threw it out and there was a puff of smoke. When it cleared, there was a giant clay bird standing in front of them. Deidara hopped on and looked at Sasori with a bright smile on his face.
“ Come on Danna, un!” He called. Sasori complied and hopped on the bird along with Deidara. It was strange, being on a clay bird. Before Sasori had time to collect his thoughts, the bird took off. The pressure of the wind pushed Sasori to sitting position on the bird’s back. Deidara looked over at Sasori and laughed. He was used to taking off, but Sasori wasn’t. Sasori looked so silly to him, siting on the bird with a confused, wondrous expression.
“ It’s ok, un.” Deidara laughed. “ You can stand up, were not rising anymore.” He said. Sasori slowly stood up. He wasn’t used to standing on an object that was flying in the air. To be truthful, he was a bit afraid of doing so. When he finally stood up, it felt like the wind was blowing him over. So Sasori took a few steps over to Deidara and held onto his waist. Deidara was confused for a second. Sasori was hanging onto him so tightly. When his mind clicked, he put a comforting arm around Sasori’s shoulders.
“ You don’t need to be scared Sasori. I won’t let you fall. Look over the side. You can see so much from up here, un.” Deidara said. Sasori peeked over the side. It was true, there was a lot to be seen. They were so high up that Sasori could see the whole village they had been in and beyond. Still hanging onto Deidara, he looked around. The wind blew hard agents them, causing Sasori to hold on tighter. Deidara couldn’t help but smile at Sasori’s expressions. First there was a bit of fear, then a look of wonder, then back to fear. He looked a bit like a child that was uncertain and would hold onto their loved ones when scared. After awhile, Sasori became used to the fast motions and the harsh winds. He loosened his grip and eventually let go of Deidara. Standing by himself, Sasori looked down at the villages, the forest, and the lakes and ponds. It looked beautiful from up where he was. It was like his and Deidara’s art put together. The same for awhile, but always changing. Always something new is being added and taken away. Deidara looked at his partner. He so wanted to kiss him right there. When it’s just them, the sky and the wind. It seemed so romantic and it might be the only time they would both be up here together. Deidara thought for awhile. Should he do it? Or should he just waist his chance? The answer seemed pretty obvious. Even though they were traveling a lot faster then when they came, they wouldn’t get back to the hideout till after sunset, so there was plenty of time considering it was late morning. Deidara smiled to himself. He would kiss Sasori during the sunset. He could hardly wait, but he knew he needed too. This would be a memory that would forever leave a mark on his heart. Sasori continued to look over the side amazed. He noticed Deidara looking at him, so he looked up.
“ Deidara, its nice being up here with you.” He said gently with a smile. Deidara smiled back and giggled.
“ You’re doing good for your first time. I’m impressed Sasori, un.” Deidara grinned. Sasori scratched the back of his head and laughed with a slight blush on his face. The after noon came and went. Deidara was waiting for the sun to set. His time was so close. He could just see it in his mind. Him and Sasori siting beside each other, the sun making the sky many colors, the both of them slowly leaning toward each other… Deidara squeaked in delight in his mind. This was going to be so amazing, he just knew it! Sasori watched Deidara smile to himself. Just what was he thinking? Surly Deidara might be planing something, but he didn’t know what it was. Sasori guessed that it was better to wait. This time he wanted to wait, because whatever Deidara was planing, he knew it would include him too. He wanted to be surprised. A few more minutes came and went. When Deidara caught the sun about to hit the mountains, He sat down next to Sasori. Sasori looked over at Deidara siting beside him, and raised an eyebrow. Deidara watched the sun. The sky started to turn a shade of pink, orange, yellow and blue. He let the colors intensify till the time was perfect. He turned to Sasori. The setting sun, lighting up his hair and his face. The wind, blowing in his cloak making it seem like a dream. Sasori looked into the blondes blue eyes. Sasori’s hair was blown back but some of his bangs still covered his eyebrows, his gray eyes glittered with the colors of the sky. Deidara took in a breath.
“ Sasori.” Deidara said when he slowly started moving forward. Sasori gazed at Deidara’s face and his eyes closed half way. He knew now what Deidara was waiting for. He had to admit it was a bit romantic. The both of them together about to kiss. Sasori titled his head upward and also started moving forward.
“ Deidara.” He breathed. When their lips touched, they closed their eyes to take in the moment. It felt so nice. The way their lips slowly and gently moved agents each other. Deidara raised himself higher so Sasori would have to tilt his head upward more. His hand wondered its way to the side of Sasori’s jaw and he held his face there. His thumb gently stroked Sasori’s cheek, relishing every action. Sasori felt like he was melting. His hand found its way to Deidara’s chest and pulled on the cloak, moving Deidara harder agents him, but not to much. They continued gently kissing. The wind blew so they felt like they were falling. Falling deeper in love that is. The air swirled around them. Blowing inside their cloaks and coming out the selves. Deidara’s eyes opened a little, so did Sasori’s. They admired each other though the light and wind. Finally, they broke the kiss, but they didn’t move anything but their lips. Their hands were still in place as if frozen in the moment. Deidara looked down at Sasori’s boyish face. He gently smiled. Sasori smiled back. His head still looking up at Deidara’s angelic features. After a few moments of starring, they embraced.
“ I love you… Sasori no Danna, un.” Deidara said with the breeze. Sasori closed his eyes and leaned his head on Deidara’s shoulder.
“ Deidara-kun… I love you too.” He softly purred.
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