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I salute to you,
and I sneeze.

'Cause I have now
an allergy
to your policies
it seems.

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commentCommented on: Fri Aug 07, 2009 @ 01:01am
haha, I wasn't expecting that xd

commentCommented on: Fri Aug 07, 2009 @ 01:31am
Tori Amos. 3nodding (Heard of her?)
What were you expecting, by the way? biggrin

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commentCommented on: Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 09:23am
hmmm, nope, haven't heard of her. (haha, big surprise, huh? xd )

oh, it's not like I was expecting anything specific, but this seems to have a much different tone from what I usually see, so I was surprised. =)

commentCommented on: Sun Aug 09, 2009 @ 08:29pm
Wow, you really don't watch TV or listen to the radio, huh?

By the way, how would you describe the usual tone of the lyrics I post?

Hmm... who knows when you'll read this considering the hurricane and all. sad

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commentCommented on: Mon Aug 10, 2009 @ 01:51am
yeah, I've never really listened to the radio or watched alot of TV... the only radio stations that I've ever spent alot of time listening to in the past was a local radio station with "soft rock, and the best of the 70s, 80s, and now" (yeah, right!!) rofl You know, the kind of stations that offices and work places play. Songs that were popular maybe a couple of years ago. The kind of station that my parents play in the car.

haha, that reminds me, this one time (ok, not just that one time, really, but... ) when I was in the car, that station started playing this song by someone like Rihanna or someone, and I asked my sister who it was. She looked at me incredulously and wondered if I lived in a cave, because practically everyone else in the whole world knew about that song. >_>;

I mostly listen to my iPod, which is mostly Japanese trance, pop, video game soundtrack songs, and some English alternative songs. What do you like listening to?

Oh, and don't worry too much. The weather is still pretty sunny and balmy. I might be on again tomorrow~

commentCommented on: Mon Aug 10, 2009 @ 02:09am
LOL, you haven't answered to the question in the second sentence of my previous comment.

And yes, Rihanna is very famous. Also, younger than me. Arrrggh... I hate when people are younger than me. We are born in the same month, but she is born a few weeks later than me.

Hmmm... Not sure. My favorite band in early high school was Red Hot Chili Peppers (heard of them?). Then, near the end of the high school, I started listening more and more to Nirvana and R.E.M. (especially after I heard the rumors that Micheal Stipe, the singer of R.E.M. might be gay) (have you heard of those two bands, by the way?)

I also like Dido very much (a British female singer - you probably haven't heard of her).
Also Silbermond and Die Fantastischen Vier (two German bands. Their names mean "silver moon" and "the fantastic four" respectively).
Also Guano Apes - another German band, but they sing in English.
Also, some songs from Madonna. (Now, you have gotta heard of her! Right? Riiiiight???)
Also, Tori Amos, as of recently.
Also, Pink.
It's probably not all, but it's all I can think of right now.
Oh yeah, and anime soundtrack music, of course.

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commentCommented on: Mon Aug 10, 2009 @ 05:40am
oh! right! Sorry, I have such a bad memory when I'm answering to comments. I have to open this in another tab on the browser so that I can look back to see what you said in the comment. =A=;

So the usual tone? Hmm. If I had to say, maybe stuff that seems dark, deep red. I'm not sure how else to describe it. Dripping with...

oh. I knew about Rihanna being super famous. I have particular interest in her because her name is Robyn~ mrgreen *squeee!* Buuuuuut, as you probably guessed, I don't really know any of her music.

And I've heard of Nirvana, they're super famous. But I don't know any of their songs. R.E.M.? hmm, heard of them, but not really sure.

Dido??? Omg, someone whose songs I actually listen to! xd

Ahh, I'm not familiar with the German bands.

Haha, Madonna, of course, they play her songs all the time on that radio station that I told you about. I grew up listening to her songs on the radio, seeing her music videos back when VH1 was still in vogue. (reason = my parents like her music.. they have a couple of CDs by her)

And Tori Amos? Yeah, I asked my mom about her, but she's not really familiar with her. Pink is hugely famous, but not with me, apparently. xd

ok, I think that's everything~

commentCommented on: Mon Aug 10, 2009 @ 11:38pm
I usually open another tab, just in case.

Dripping with blood? Wow, that's not what I was going for, but I'm flattered it had such a strong impact on you. I can see how these last lyrics, which have a political theme, clash with the previous ones.
By the way, I'm pretty sure that the impression I make on you, as a person, is pretty different from the impression you get from these lyrics I post. Just tell me if I'm right.

You don't know any of her music? Do you know gossip about her then? (probably not stare ) The news about her being physically attacked by her boyfriend Chris Brown (I think that was his name) was all over the media a few months ago. The Chatterbox was filled with threads about it, too. Apparently, she stayed with him in spite of that.
There you go - your first little piece of celebrity gossip from me. After all, how can you hang out with a gay person and not gossip?! We have a stereotype to perpetuate!

OMG, does that mean you haven't heard of Red Hot Chili Peppers?!!!!! They are a band from Los Angeles, and they're more famous than R.E.M.

You listen to Dido? Wow! How did you manage to hear of her, and not of all those other musicians?!
Anyway, what are some of your favorite Dido songs? I used to like her second album better, but now I like the first one better. I think. I'm not sure. I'm very indecisive when it comes to that. I like Hunter very much, for example.

Do you, by any chance, have a favorite Madonna song? Also, she's exactly 30 years older than me. Maybe she could have been my mother. LOL, now that's a bizarre thought.

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commentCommented on: Tue Aug 11, 2009 @ 01:18am
oh, I guess you could say that I feel like it's dripping with blood. But that wasn't what I was thinking about when I typed it. This morning, I was thinking about what word to put in that unfinished sentence, but I guess I was thinking about.... some sort of... darkness? But "blood" gets the idea across just fine, I suppose.

and mmm, I guess you could say that. But at the same time, it's not like the two impressions are incompatible, you know? I just think of it as another aspect of you.. I don't really think of them as separate. It's part of how I think of you as a person, I guess.

Hey! What is that supposed to mean?? crying ....Well, I guess you couldn't expect much from me, but.... yes, I have heard about that whole thing with Chris Brown. They both suddenly dropped out of that awards show that they were supposed to be making appearances on. And I know how everyone was shocked when she decided to stay with him

Um, I have heard of the Red Hot Chile Peppers, so don't worry. I sort of like that song "Dani California"

and Dido? She's really famous for her song "White Flag," which I have on my iPod. I think I also have another song by her, but I don't remember what it was at the moment. I'm not really sure about which albums they're from, either. Oh, wait, that second song that I was thinking about might have been by D.H.T.

hmmm, favorite Madonna song? Aghh, there's so many! If I think of one, though, I'll be sure to tell you :3

wow, that is a bizarre thought, lol!

commentCommented on: Tue Aug 11, 2009 @ 01:50am
Dripping with darkness? Wow, that sounds even more powerful and sinister than blood. I just love it. No one usually thinks of me that way. It's a refreshing change.
And yes, I don't think it's my other personality or anything either. I just think this aspect is pretty different from what I usually show in the social interactions. But maybe not so much after all...

Oh yeah, White Flag. In the music video for that song, her former love interest is played by David Boreanaz, which is the actor who played Angel in the TV shows Buffy, the vampire slayer, and Angel (the latter is a spin-off of the former). Not that actor is haaaaaaaaaaawt. sweatdrop He's getting old, though. But in the early seasons of Buffy... oh goodness. redface

And as for Madonna, I like Like a Prayer, La Isla Bonita, Frozen.... Justify My Love, Secret, Papa, Don't Preach... there are probably more, I just cant think of them right now.

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commentCommented on: Tue Aug 11, 2009 @ 09:00am
hmmm, it's refreshing? So you're pleased that I think that, lol? But the thing that I want to know is ... is it accurate? (._.) -?

oh, I don't know if I've ever seen the music video for that song. *ponders* But wow, that's interesting! It's so cool to hear about that kind of ... trivia, is it? Especially since I don't know much about pop culture, lol. awww, he's not so hawt anymore? that sucks...

and... hmmm, yeah, there's so many good songs by her, I can't possibly name them all. I tried looking at her discography to refresh my memory, but yeah, there's lots of good songs by her. :3

commentCommented on: Tue Aug 11, 2009 @ 10:22pm
Accurate? Well, your first impression was "dark, deep red". I cannot say that it's either accurate or not, because after all, that is just your impression. But then, when I asked for more details we got to more specific descriptions and... hmmm, no, I don't think I have a very dark side of myself, that's dripping with blood. The lyrics are usually reflecting my angsty side, and if it would have a color, it would be gloomy gray. But not dark red. I'm not really violent, nor did I experience that much violence, tragedy or mystery to be colored dark red.

David Boreanaz? Yeah, he gained weight. Well, he's only human, after all. It's normal that he would age. He did, however, play a vampire, over.... how many... 9 seasons? And it was funny because vampires are not supposed to age, and you could clearly see him aging, especially when comparing the first and last season. xd
Did, you, by any chance, send me an anonymous gift? But I think I already know the answer...

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commentCommented on: Tue Aug 11, 2009 @ 11:45pm
ahhh, I see. LOL, this might sound contradictory to what I said earlier, but even though I think that that your angsty journal posts are part of what I think is "you," I didn't really think that you had a really dark part of your personality... IRL, I guess? (unlike my ex, who really did have a dark part of his personality) But that makes it even more fascinating to me.

uhhh... shoot. I forgot what else I wanted to address. Oh, something about that actor? LOL. yeah, that is kind of funny... but yes, it is natural to age, but I'm sure that if an actor does a good job in playing a role, people won't really mind things like that. :3

commentCommented on: Wed Aug 12, 2009 @ 12:22am
What was that dark part like? If you don't think it's something too personal to share...

What's fascinating? The fact that we're similar, but we don't both have a dark side, or the fact that I don't have one? Details, please! blaugh

By the way, I switched to Google Chrome just now, because Firefox refuses to open my journal posts any more. WTF?!!! scream

I think what you wanted to address is whether or not you have sent me an anonymous gift.

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commentCommented on: Wed Aug 12, 2009 @ 02:56am
that dark part? Extremely scary, admittedly. Murderous anger, hate for humanity at its worst. Having bloody dreams, etc. That pretty much sums it up.

Oh, I think that you are fascinating. Your journal entries express an angst which is not really expressed IRL or in your online personality per se, yet it's not completely incompatible in my view of you, I guess. I just hope that it's not an inaccurate view.

hmmm, that's odd. Firefox never gave me that type of problem before.. =/

oh. Right. I'm assuming that this gift was anonymous, since you think that I sent it? Interesting how "anonymous" now = Rainbowbubbles rofl Is there a reason for that?

commentCommented on: Wed Aug 12, 2009 @ 08:45pm
I have been having hate towards humanity to an extent, but I never really considered going on a killing spree. My aggression was always mainly self-oriented. But I dare say that I have much less of it now, if not that it's completely gone.

I am fascinating? Why, Robyn, I'mma blush now.... redface redface redface
I don't think it's inaccurate. After all, I can't just go around expressing my angst to people I interact with on a daily basis.

No, no particular reason. I posed the same question to all of my friends I'm in contact with now. You haven't answered though. Did you send the gift?

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commentCommented on: Thu Aug 13, 2009 @ 04:24am
haha, don't be embarrassed... I think that you are fascinating, intelligent, and generally awesome. 3nodding

Oh, ok, I see, lol. Oh, I forgot to answer you? Sorry about that. No, I didn't. I wish that I did, though. confused

commentCommented on: Thu Aug 13, 2009 @ 10:01pm
Thank you. redface whee

Oh, OK. I'm glad I'm one step closer to solving the mystery now. Even if I never find out who that was, I just want to make sure it wasn't any of my friends.

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commentCommented on: Fri Aug 14, 2009 @ 07:40am
hey, hey, sorry, I didn't know where else to put this (since I PMed you twice today already), but I took a quiz thingie on my facebook, and here's my results... it seems pretty accurate for the most part:

Robyn took the The real "true colors" quiz quiz and got the result: Gold..


Time for Family



Lack of... control

At work you provide stability and can maintain organization. Your ability to handle details and to work hard make you the backbone of many organizations. You believe that work comes before play, even if you must work overtime to complete the job.

In love you are serious and tend to have traditional, conservative views of both love and marriage. You want a mate who can work along with you, building a secure, predictable life together. You demonstrate love and affection through the practical things you do for your loved ones.

In childhood you wanted to follow the rules and regulations of the school. You understood and respected authority and was comfortable with academic routine. You were the easiest of all types of children to adapt to the educational system.

commentCommented on: Fri Aug 14, 2009 @ 09:49pm
Sounds about right, especially the "love" part ( mrgreen ), but I wouldn't ascribe those traits to gold as a color.

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commentCommented on: Sat Aug 15, 2009 @ 07:03am
yeah, I know, lol. I wonder how they paired that color with those traits.. seems kinda random-ish.

really, you think so too? Aughhh, that's the same thing that my sister said. She said that the "needs" and the "love" parts were really accurate.

commentCommented on: Sat Aug 15, 2009 @ 05:34pm
LOL, now I wanna take it, but I don't wanna open a Facebook account.
If you have the time, could you copy, paste and PM all the questions to me, and I'll reply, and type my answers? Or if the questions are multiple-choice, I will bold my answers or make them a different color. Then you could retake it and see what I get, but not save the result, so that it doesn't change yours. (Assuming you did save your "golden" result.)

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commentCommented on: Mon Aug 17, 2009 @ 01:12am
ooh, great idea! I'll go see if I can still find that quiz. It's pretty short, but I'll PM it to you

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