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Turtle Meadows Profiles
- All Profiles for the Turtle Meadows Role-Play -

-> Sipapu is not responsible for the sources of the pictures used by other role-players.
-> Sipapu would not use pictures drawn by someone else if she could draw. Stop complaining about it unless you want to draw my characters for me. Shut up.

Username: Sipapu
Name: Eiji & Koji Fujikawa
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Birthday: Autumn 20
House: look in the thread, I forgot
Occupation: Tea Shop Owners
Status: Singles
Love/Friend Interest: None
Pets/Livestock: None
Eiji & Koji were born on a cold Autumn night. Their mother was the daughter of a simple rice farmer. Their father died of consumption before they were born. They are only children, and were primarily raised by their grandparents because their mother ran away to the city when they were three. Their grandparents raised them to be more than mere farmers, and when they turned eighteen they were sent away to the city to study. Being lowly farm boys, it was a terrifying but rewarding experiance. They turned twenty-four and graduated from university, Eiji with a degree in Literature and Teaching, Koji with a degree in Biology. However, their true love has always been tea, their grandmother had been a master at tea ceremony and had taught them all she knew. So, they moved to a small village by the sea and started up a small tea shop where they sell and serve many varieties of tea. They are happy, but they wish to one day return to school after living their simple dream.
Eiji is a very mature and forthright person. He doesn't say much, but when he does, you know he thought about it first. Very intelligent and kind, he is always polite and elegant. He's a good listener and rarely raises his voice. Eiji is somewhat of the protector of his brother Koji. He always acts lovingly towards his brother and gets upset when Koji isn't happy. Though he acts proper most of the time, he has a bit of a wild side that rarely sees the light of day.
Koji is a nervous, self-conscious person. He's extremely shy and soft-spoken. Like his brother, he's smart as a whip, but doesn't speak up enough to be heard. His brother is always trying to bring him into the conversation, but Koji is always embarrassed. Though he's only a few minutes younger, he looks up to Eiji and relies on him for moral support. He has his silly moments, but rarely when anyone but Eiji is around.
Hobbies: n/a
Spicy dishes
Rice dishes
Hot weather
Really sweet things
Dirty things
Hot weather
Loud noises
4' 10" | 147 cm, Black hair, gray eyes.
User Image


Username: _Illusive Image_
Name: Deo Rain
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Birthday: Summer 3
House: North 7
Occupation: Head Archaeologist
Status: Single
Love/Friend Interest: N/A
Pets/Livestock: He doesn't really count it as a pet but several time a day a small cat visits him.
Biography: No one really knows where Deo came from, but his family has been living in the town since it begin. One day his Parents went to the city and came back with him, At first everyone asked where he came from was he there real child or was he adopted? His parents never told and always told them "What silly questions." After a while mostly everyone gave up on it. There are still a few people who ask but it's very rarely. What Deo does know is that his family has always been in the Archaeology business and he's happy to carry on the with the family line.
Personality: Deo is quite and serious, although he does have his fun side it very rarely comes out and most of the time you have to drink it out of him. When it comes to work he's the first onto it and is very headstrong.
Hobbies: Mining and fishing are his main hobbies. He fishes when he can seeing as he buts most of his time into his work. He also likes swim and can mostly he found at the beach if not in the mine.
Likes: Spicy and sweet foods. In fact you can always find him with some sort of candy in his mouth, most of the time it's a sucker.
Dislikes: Being forced to do something he doesn't want to do. he also hates bitter stuff and vegetables.
Appearance: Deo is 5"9' and has a large scar at the bottom of his back from an accident mining a few years ago.
User Image


Username: RainbowKazoo
Name: Ashley Marie Robins
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Birthday: Summer 20
House: East
Occupation: Rancher
Status: Single
Love/Friend Interest: None
Pets/Livestock: Two Cows,Three Chickens, One Horse, Two Sheep, One Dog, Two Barn Cats
Biography: Ashley's parents were both farmers. She grew up working on the farm and learing many skills. When she turned twenty she moved into a small town with good farming soil. She started her own small farm which she hopes will grow into a large successful farm.
Personality: Very sweet and hard working. Can be shy at times, but is usually a happy person.
Hobbies: Farming, Fishing, Cooking, Taking Long Walks, Painting
+ Animals
+ Cookies
+ The Ocean
+ Chocolate
+ Flowers
- Bad Weather
- Bees
- Cabbage
- Weeds
- Milk
Appearance: She is about five feet and five inches tall. She is a lean girl, but has a lot of muscle from all the work she does on the farm.
User Image


Username: iiCOkkIeZzii
Name: Elly Marigold
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Birthday: Summer 4.
House: Town Center #6
Occupation: Ice Cream Shop Owneer
Status: Single
Love/Friend Interest: No One Yet
Pets/Livestock: I have three hamsters named Bijou, Sandy, Pashmina.
Biography: Her parents died when she was 5 and her great-grandmother took her in until she died when Elly was 13. She soon found a job in Turtle Meadows as the Cashier/Attendant at the Feed Shop. Her parents got her three hamsters when she was three and they were just born. Her parents where veterinarians and a batch of baby hamsters were born the owners of the two hamsters who had them said they could take three. Her and her hamsters are really close ever since her parents died.
Hobbies: She likes to collect seashells and stuffed animals.
Her hamsters
animal haters
her parents and grandmother dieing
Appearance: She is 5'3'' in height. She ways 90 pounds. She has a brownish-red hair. She has bright yellow eyes.
User Image


Username: Teh Queen of Nerds
Name: Mackendra Annabelle Davenport
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Birthday: Spring 13
House: Town Center #2 | Mansion
Occupation: Rich Lady
Status: Single
Love/Friend Interest: None (at the moment)
Pets/Livestock: None
Mackendra was a spoiled teenage beauty queen who had rich and beautiful parents who gave her everything that she wanted. Her face filled billboards and television screens in households all over the world. Her parents died when she turned 21 and left her with a ridiculous amount of money and a face that started to form fine lines. She moved to Turtle Meadows a few years after in hope of starting a new life and finding someone to call her ‘Mac.’
Although extremely spoiled, Mackendra is a sweetheart and tries not to make herself seem as though she is above everyone else. But don’t underestimate her; Mac’s initials are M.A.D. for a reason. She will sue and blackmail anyone who treats her or her loved ones badly. She believes that she’s ready to go through her mid-life crisis but this is only because she has never felt love from anyone other than her parents.
Eating dark chocolate, helping local shops and organizations, going to the beach, exercising.
+ Anti-aging creams
+ Money
+ Spring time
+ Dark Chocolate
+ Spicy Food
+ Fashion
- Wrinkles
- Not getting what she wants
- Flowers
- Paparazzi
Mac has the physique of a model and the face of a 17 year old. She is 6’2” tall and a size 2. She has luxurious blonde hair, blue/green eyes and pink lips.
User Image


Username: The Yellow Note
Name: Asher Larkwing
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Birthday: Autumn 13
House: West 3
Occupation: Nurse
Status: Single
Love/Friend Interest: None
Pets/Livestock: Kitten [Willow]
Biography: Asher once lived outside of Turtle Meadow with her mother, who ran a small apothecary for travelers, and her father, who was a hunter and trapper in the surrounding woods. They made a meager living off of her mother's business and the family's spare game and furs from her father's hunting. But with the town being so close, eventually the flow of income to the family became too low to sustain a decent lifestyle. While her parents moved away, she was allowed to stay with her cousin's family, who lived in town. When she turned eighteen, she moved into her own home and has been spending her days lazing about when she's not busy working as a nurse in town.
Personality: She's very easy-going and laid back and often times fails to see the severity in most situations. Occasionally, she becomes very worrisome about patients or friends and hardly anything can settle her down. She tends to be rather lazy.
[ x ] Lazing About
[ x ] Exploring the Woods
[ x ] Cooking
[ x ] Climbing
[ x ] Fishing
[ + ] Holidays
[ + ] Napping
[ + ] Sour Candies
[ + ] Holiday Food
[ + ] Willow
[ + ] Swimming
[ + ] Ponds
[ + ] Bad Weather
[ - ] Bugs
[ - ] Farming
[ - ] Crowds
[ - ] Dogs
[ - ] Vegetables
[ - ] Illness
[ - ] Old People
[ - ] New Things
Appearance: She's fairly short, about 5' 3", and weighs in at about 110 pounds. Her hair is shoulder length and brown, highlighted lightly from being outdoors so much. Her eyes are a grayish-blue color and although she spends many hours outside, her skin remains fairly pale.
Photo: [Asher]


Username: iColorguard
Name: Kairi Rose-Lilly Reale
Age: nineteen
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Birthday (See 3rd Post): Winter 17.
Occupation (See 3rd Post): Cafe- Server
House (See 3rd Post): South
Status: Single
Love/Friend Interest: None yet
Pets/Livestock: Xena
Biography: Kairi is completly excited to finally be living on her own and away from her parents. She has a loveable dog named Xena, that is just a puppy. Her older brother Mark is currently in the army, and has been for about ten monthes. Her parents were just like ever other parent. Gave her what she wanted at times and beated her as well. They were confusing and wanted what was best for their child. Now shes on her own and cant wait to start her new life. Since Kairi is stuck waiting on others which she enjoys and has always wanted to be a nurse when she gets older.
Personality: Hyper, caring, loving, friendly are just some of the many traits about Kairi. She loves to help others out. She tends to put others before herself. She always has a smile on her face and loves to make others feel like there important.
Hobbies: Reading, a little bit of writing, caring for others.
++Helping others
++Roller Coasters
--Bad smells
--Drunk people
--Snobby people
--Stuck up people
Appearance (height/specific details): she is 5'3 but is really strong and defensable for her age and height.
Photo (Anime/etc Picture): Kairi


Username:Mercury Hatter
Name: Saddie Whitmore
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Birthday (See 3rd Post): Automn first
House (See 4th Post): South 01
Occupation (See 5th Post):barmaid
Status (Single/Married/Etc. See 7th post!): single!
Love/Friend Interest:
Pets/Livestock: A pig named Jane
Biography: Saddie moved from a big city to have a more comfortable, and simple life. She loves her brother most on the planet, because he was the one who always watched over her as children. Somehow she decided to move away from him and try to get by on her own.
Personality:quiet, thoughtful, always cheerful, reserved, very shy, anxious
Hobbies: she likes to read and draw.
Likes: flowers, books, coffee, chocolate, rainy weather, events
Dislikes: spicy foods, confrontation, fighting, tripping
Appearance (height/specific details): she has brown hair, green eyes, and is very short for a young adult
Photo (Anime/etc Picture): User Image


Username: Mercury Hatter
Name: Benjamin Thomas Jollyburg..The worlds most incompetant pirate.
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Birthday (See 3rd Post): Summer 14
House (See 4th Post): East 03
Occupation (See 5th Post): A job? A fishermen of sorts.
Status (Single/Married/Etc. See 7th post!): Married to the sea.
Love/Friend Interest: never met a woman who could interest him
Pets/Livestock: an anoying monkey named Mo who wont leave him alone
Biography: Benjamin was the son of a pirate and grew up on an amazing ship. At seventeen, he ran off the make his own crew. Eventualy, they ran off with his boat after finding out that he has to be the worls worst pirate. He sails in a little boat now, searching for treausre and adventure.
Personality: theatrical, dramatic, imcompetent, oblivious, naive, confident
Hobbies: fishing, treasure hunting, and exploring.
Likes: new things, adventure, shiny expensive gems, the sea
Dislikes: books, routine, the normal, junk ore
Appearance (height/specific details): a little over six ft, built nicely with dark skin and black hair. eyes like the ocean.
Photo (Anime/etc Picture):User Image


Username: Amiante
Name: Craig "Am" Amery
Age: 31
Gender: All male, baby~
Race: Demon
Birthday: Spring 11
House: North 4
Occupation: Bartender
Status: Single
Love/Friend Interest: If is his best friend and roommate.
Pets/Livestock: A darker tabby Maine Coon cat named Tiberius.
Biography: Craig had a strange childhood, given his mother died when he was quite young. He seemed to take it well, refusing to cry. He was left to his father, who chose to leave him with his paternal grandparents. His father in turn went on to start a family with another woman. Another instant where he wouldn't cry. He was quite happy with his grandparents, especially with the grandmother who spoiled him. Upon his 18th birthday, Craig decided to move out and travel. A few years all over the place, finally coming to Turtle Meadows. Is this going to be just another stint in a different town, or is he going to settle?
Even he doesn't know that.
Personality: He operates under the guise of a joker. He loves pulling pranks and telling stories with too much enthusiasm. Quick to start both conversations and fights. And always so hesitant to give up either. Never knowing when to quite. A blabber mouth to say the least. Rowdy. He tends to be a pervert.
Given how he always bottled up feelings during his childhood, that's become his method of coping. Craig always tries his best to go through situations with a smile or a witty remark.
He doesn't always announce when he has a problem with someone. He keeps it inside until he snaps at the person, often becoming violent.
Hobbies: Craig likes drawing a lot, as well as video games. The wild Craig can often be found in his skivvies on a Saturday morn, planted in front of the telly with controlerl in hand. Staring like a zombie and trying to rescue some pixelated princess. If not doing such, he's watching some sort of program, be it X-rated or horror flicks.
+ If and Tiberius
+ Foggy/Rainy days
+ Music
+ Vidya games
+ Smutty books
+ Tempura
- Cowards
- Awkward silences
- Mustard
- Spicy food
- Spiders
He stands around 6'1'', pretty toned. Certainly not the most muscular man. Safe to say, his body is average, just a bit hairy looking given the dark hair. He has a strange habit of painting his nails black, even toenails, probably to cover up the somewhat yellowy appearance they've taken on due to his smoking.
He has black hair, as previously mentioned, often kept very short and a bit spikier in the front. Normally, there is some sort of hair on his chin. Face pubes as they have been dubbed by his roommate. His eyes--which are usually lazily lidded and have rings around them--are vividly green and kept behind the lenses of his thickly framed glasses. From his temples grow thick black horns. They're relatively short. And from his coccyx comes a leathery black tail with a spade at the end.
The only piercings he has are the lobes of his ears, which are plugs of a reasonable gauge.
Photo: Would it be okay if I draw something and PM it over later?
I don't wanna steal art. > 3>


Username: Infared_fox
Name: If
Age: 27
Gender: Male (hoorah testosterone!)
Race: Demon
Birthday: Winter 12
House: North 4 (lives with Am)
Occupation: Miner
Status: Single
Love/Friend Interest: Best friends with Am
Pets/Livestock: None
Biography: Adopted into a family when he was 5, biological parents unable to care for him properly. He grew up as any other kid would and was taken good care of with proper education and upbringing. However as he grew up he lost much of his morals and slowly became more exclusive. When he came of age he said his goodbyes and traveled. By this time he was largely independent and eager, but he soon found himself not quite fitting into most towns. Upon meeting Am he found both someone that could relate to his race and be a friend. Despite huge personality differences they decided to move in together
Personality: Quiet and creepy. He likes to keep his business to himself and is a bit hostile at first meetings. However with a bit of time and careful wording one can find him being quite different. Once trust is established he will go out of his way for you sometimes. Is most cheerful around Am.
Hobbies: Loves to hang around the west woods and often travels there at night. Play fighting. Drinking tea in strange places, watching fish
Tea, fossils, traveling, tomatoes, stormy weather / snow, being hard to find, digging
Wearing shirts and shoes for work, bossy / high maintenance people, losing, swimming in the ocean
5'9'' 1/2. He has a skinny frame but is not delicate, also has a shameful lack of body hair as most of it is very light. Is also a proud owner of a few scars and new injuries seem to appear just as others heal. This can be seen by his usual lack of a shirt for reasons unknown, mostly being it's comfortable. Shoes are also replaced by partial wrappings that go up his legs and under his pants. If's short and razor cut hair is a gray almost white colour; Which surprisingly has no affiliation with his demon qualities of rather short black horns, elf esque ears, and pointed tail. His eyes border on yellow and neon green looking quite unnatural and unnerving. The collar that he wears doesn't help him much there either
Photo: I'll draw one up later, scouts honour u u;


Username: The Queen of Nerds
Name: Wes Edward Stone
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Birthday: Winter 13
House: Town Center #4 | Library
Occupation: Librarian
Status: Single
Love/Friend Interest: None at the moment.
Pets/Livestock: A large, lazy Chow Chow named Caulfield.
Biography: Wes grew up like every other child but always had a soft spot for exploration and books. Like many, he began to fall into the wrong crowd and at age 16, he began to take cocaine. His parents disowned him when the found out. At this time, he was 18. He had no money and a minimum wage job so he tried all of the free, experimental addiction therapy. What he found out was that the power of books was enough to get him distracted from cocaine. As long as he kept himself away from the streets and put his nose in a book, he was able to keep himself under control. When his uncle died, he had acquired a small inheritance and moved to Turtle Meadows where he knew he wouldn’t be influenced by his drug addiction anymore.
Personality: Wes tends to keep to himself and his books but when approached, he is very cordial and charming. He believes in giving everyone a second chance and fights to see the good in people. At times, he seem a bit nervous and this is how he knows that his addiction hasn’t fully recovered yet. He is not one to get angry because he does not assume that people will anger him.
~ Reading books
~ Taking hikes with Caulfield
~ Daydreaming
+ Books
+ Nature
+ Children
+ Untouched Beauty
+ Berries
- Mistreatment of books
- Bad influences
- His past
- The beach
Appearance :
Wes is a full 6 feet tall with a hair like sunshine and eyes like the ocean. He has 3 ear piercings from his “bad boy” days and a tattoo on his back of a book opening up on his spine.
User Image


Username: P R I N C E S S--Cookiees
Name:Megan Zukaari
Age: 23
Gender: girl
Race: human
Birthday: Summer 15
House(See 4th Post): East
Occupation:Inn Cafe Cook(:
Status : Single
Love/Friend Interest: Not yet..
Pets/Livestock: Dog named Sparky
Biography:I lost my father when i was 5 so i hate it when people talk about their parents being all successful. I love my doggy sparky which i like to call sparks and i have always been a cook in my family for years. I make great pastery like cakes,cookies and very good at other foods.
Personality: Rarely shy,Nice,Friendly,sporty,clever.
Hobbies:Cooking,Singing,Guitar and writing my own songs.
Likes: Sweets,shopping,football,friends
Dislikes:Blood,death,the word "dead" or "die"
Appearance (height/specific details): Has glasses,wears a big,plaid jacket which is my lucky charm, 6'2, usually wears blue,black, or purple.Hoodies are what i usually wear when i go out. Long hair,layered.
Photo (Anime/etc Picture):User Image


Username: iColorguard
Name:Kevin Angel
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Birthday (See 3rd Post): Summer 6
House (See 4th Post): East 4
Occupation (See 5th Post):Cafe Musician
Status (Single/Married/Etc. See 7th post!):Single =]
Love/Friend Interest: 'Friends' with Kairi =]
Pets/Livestock: none
Biography: Kevin lives on his own now but is a huge flirt! He has known Kairi Reale all his life, and they are the best of friends. They use to have a thing for each other but thats in the past. Although he still has a thing for her. Kevin never really got to know his parents and he doesnt care either. With them being drug addicts and god knows what else, he was happy with being a adoptive child. Wanting to be a musician all his life, he finally got a part time job at the Cafe as the musician. When Kevin singed and played guitar you would think he would beling in the best rock band ever. His voice is amazing and his skills on the guitar are to die for see! Since he has been playing all of his life he might as well put his talent to good use.
Personality: Loves the ladies, is a very happy guy. Loves to party and do outragous things.
Hobbies:playing guitar, singing, hanging out with girls
++Being free
++No worries
++smoking. {not addicted but has one every now and then.}

--cocky guys
--ugly girls
--drunk people
--girly things
--sick people
Appearance (height/specific details): six feet tall

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