Took a quiz online~ :3


Your country of origin America
Your best friend is Sweden Yay!!!
You have a crush on Germany Do not want!
You hate Austria -gasp-
You get bullied by Ukraine I dun like DX
You are scared of Prussia Nooo! Not prussia! Do not want! Prussia is to awesome!
You go out with for 5 seconds S-Italy Most likely
You get a confession from Germany sweet >w<
You get in a fist fight with Latvia That made me lol so hard XD
You had a one night stand with Spain Yay(?)
Your first boyfriend is Estonia *huuuuuggggs*
Everybody graduates but N-Italy Aww...Italy should really get rid of that hair...its the 'stupid hair's' fault
You marry Russia YAY
Your first kid name is Rose Ar-are they stalking me? That sound just like me!
You get in a dispute with Poland ... O3O
You get out of the dispute with the help of Estonia *explodes with happiness*
You have an affair with Canada What?! Wow, Alfred gonna be PISSED at me XD
You get caught by Hungry Figures, sound perfect XD
The chances of them telling 80% Oh come on, Hungary! I'll give you photos of Prussia and Austria doing something XD (Oh god...)

Your husband finds out about the affair, he feels Angry ...DER...
You two get divorced, you drown your sorrows with Lithuania *Is happy*
The percentage of you two doing a one night stand 29% Awww.... DX

You move in with America R-REALLY?! I LOVE THIS LIFE
You start having feelings for Japan Yay! wait...nay? Well he is an otaku...and he does have pictures of stuff~ +w+
You get a confession from Switzerland Aw, how sweet.
The percentage of you excepting their feelings 95% YAY *explodes..again*

You say no, they then go out with N-Italy And to think i felt sorry for him...darn the mafia....
The percentage of you like them two together 45% Most likely

You get ambushed by Poland D: really...?
The chances of you getting out of their alive 12% Did i beat up Lithuania or something? I would never! D:

You unxpecting get glomped by England He must be drunk. Theres no absolute way hes sober.
You are lonely, you get a Drink of whiskey wo0t
Drunk, you kiss Austria ...*shivers*
Percentage of how much they liked the kiss 20% Hmm...

You have a huge war against Switzerland Oh god, I'm gonna die!
Your chances of winning 61% Or...maybe not....

You die by Drunk driving Now they cant give me a ticket!
The only person not to go to your funeral is Japan *sobs*
This person is the most devestated by your death Poland I would see why...not really...
This person is teh most happiest taht you died Hungry ...Is it because I kissed Austria?!
This person is teh master mind of your death Spain not kidding right XD? RIGHT?! THIS IS JUST SOME CRUEL PRANK!! HAHAHA! FUNNY GUYS! /;-;