Price: 1000gg.
Owners: iAnime Nerd; Miyoko Yakushi; FlyingPinkElefantSaysMeow, omgimsoperfect, Boom_Crash_Bang, Boom_Crash_Bang, Boom_Crash_Bang, Shinto-kenshin, taltal111, nooch08
"The loudmouth #1 ninja at surprising people..."
A Lemon Jellocake style cupcake with a rubber ninjaband decoration.

Gryffindor House Cake
Price: 700gg
Owners: Miyoko Yakushi, C H O C O t r e x, omgimsoperfect, XxShelbyDemonaxX, Sybak, flyingpinkelefantsaysmeow, Toboekyo, shinto-kenshin, taltal111, DryLok
"Courage, daring, nerve and chivalry."
A deep cherry flavored cupcake with lemon sprinkles and chocolate magicwands.

Hufflepuff House Cake
Price: 700 gg
Owners: YamiNozomi, omgimsoperfect, XxShelbyDemonaxX, Sybak, flyingpinkelefantsaysmeow, taltal111, DryLok
"Hard work, loyalty, tolerance, and fair play."
A lemon Jellocake style cupcake with black licorice sprinkles and chocolate magicwands.

Slytherin House Cake
Price: 700gg
Owners: Cellius90, omgimsoperfect, XxShelbyDemonaxX, Sybak, flyingpinkelefantsaysmeow, azukae, DryLok, shinto-kenshin, taltal111
"Ambition, cunning, and resourcefulness."
A deep mint flavored cupcake with vanilla sprinkles and chocolate magicwands.

Ravenclaw House Cake
Price: 700gg
Owners: ShirouEn, FlyingPinkElefantSaysMeow, Maluc_Fieri, omgimsoperfect, XxShelbyDemonaxX, Sybak, taltal111, Boom_Crash_Bang, DryLok
"Intelligence, creativity, wit, and wisdom."
A rich blueberry flavored cupcake with chocolate sprinkles and chocolate magicwands.

You Are What You Eat, Stitches!
Price: 1k
Owners: Kowana; FlyingPinkElefantSaysMeow, ShirouEn, omgimsoperfect
"But how can a pink spool or thread be a tasty treat? Click to find out."
This pet evolves as you click it. It has 3 stages, and will evolve every 50 levels. Comes with a customized name and gender.

You Are What You Eat, Stella!
Price: 1k
Owners: FlyingPinkElefantSaysMeow, ShirouEn, omgimsoperfect
"But how can a blue spool or thread be a tasty treat? Click to find out."
This pet evolves as you click it. It has 3 stages, and will evolve every 50 levels. Comes with a customized name and gender.