I knew that i could be the one to wake him from his years slumber, that i could arouse his senses, that i could captivate all he thought about. Though i tried my hardest, all that i could see that i captured was his annoyance. I loved him with all of my being and he hated me totally through and through. All that was left for me to do was leave, so here i am now packing up my things and getting ready to flee from his scornful looks and beautiful burning eyes. That was what i planned to do before he flew to my window without my notice and watched and listened to my tears and saddened vows to never set foot in his presence again. Thats when the window flew open and i was wrapped in his powerful arms that were paler than the great moon. Tears still falling from my eyes i knew that he couldnt hate me and wrapped my trembling arms around him and held him as tight as i could and he did the same to me. I never would have thought that it could be like this. Now i do and i will never be lonely, never be frightened or cold, and i will always be wrapped in his loving embrace no matter what consequences we will have to deal with. All of that was because he loved me and i him and life couldnt have been any the sweeter.