By the way, this will most likely be different than the one on Deviantart. So if you've read that one take care to read this one too.
1) First list all your OC’s by first name so we can see your list of all your wonderful OC’s
Alrighty, there are a few...
ZP (a.k.a Zackery Patrickson I've just never called him anything but ZP)
2) Who is your favorite OC
It is a fight between Cyane and Taku! Look at them go! A punch here! A jab there!
3) Who is your least favorite?
Evrick, wins hands down! No competition there folks.
4) Who is your most developed?
Cyane. Honestly... even thought Z.P. Has been around just as long, he wasn't well liked.
5) Which OC would you want to date if they magically came to life?
Taku! But I luffs my Matt more. So Taku loses.
6) How many girl OCs do you have? Boy OCs? It OCs?
To many to tell you. I'd probably be sitting here all week thinking. Think about it. I had 33 in MIDDLE school. Now 5 years later, meaning that was the count in 7th grade, How many would you honestly think I'd have now?
7) If you were stuck in a burning building what do you think the third OC on your list would do?
She'd probably be worried. But then the god would take over and add more fire to it. Because he is pyro freak that would have no problems burning me to a crisp.
8 ) Name one thing you regret about one of your OCs.
That I EVER created Evrick. I meaen, at the time it was okay... but now. Ugh. He is sooooo annoying.
9) Which of your OCs do you think would make the best father/mother/it parent out of all your OCs and why??
Z.P. Did until Cyane killed him. But that was also because I really didn;t like him. So I made her kill him. XD
10) Which of your OCs do you think will most likely be put in jail?
Almost all of the ones listed. XD
11) The eighth of your OCs was put into the future! What will their job be?!?
.... Oh... Uhm, well... I don't know. He didn't even have a job in the first place. Cyane did all the working and stuff. He was a at home dad.
12) Name the first OCs catch phrase! (if they don’t have one just make one up)
13) Do all your OCs live together or are they separated?
"Well, let's see, Ame and Reitan DO live together, but then she leaves on a quest thing and the god kills her. Cyane lived with Z.P. Killed him, and then married Evrick, and killed him too. Sai-aka lived with her mom, Cyane, but disappered when Cyane killed Evrick, her dad.
14) Are there any pairings that are in your OC list? (they can’t be with someone else's)
Just Ame and Reitan.
15) Your seventh OC switched bodies with you for a day! How will they react at the end of the day?
D; I would come back to EVERYTHING being painted a blue! EVERYTHING. My clothes, the TV, the computer, The house! EVERYTHING.
16) Your last OC just became a fifteen year old. What do they do?
He'd probably cry. He JUST turned 18.
17) Now randomly select a person on your OC list. Who was it?
18 ) That OC you just chose? Yeah they think they are Superman (even if they are a girl) and are on the roof about to jump off.
He'd be getting ready to jump, when Yasha would come out of no where drag him away from the edge and start beating him and it would turning to hot angry sex.
19) Are any of your OCs bored of this meme?
Well... I have to say that they are. stare Kyane is over there on that buliding that he tried to jump off of with Yasha.... Ame decided that she would agree with her god and set fire to the building that they are on, Reitan is trying to stop her. Cyrus is talking to Taku. Because Taku is an elf, as well as his uncle and can teach him how to get through woods silently. And Cyane is rekilling her dead husband. Rain is chillaxing. Sai-aka is just hiding from Cyane.
20) Would your second OC prefer the beach or the mountains?
Mountains. Taku loves them. Woods galore.
21) Would your tenth OC battle a shark?
Oh, he'd attempt it. But only if he was hungry. He is ever the elven kind and treat EVERYTHING with respect. Except Mortimir.
22) Which OCs hate each other?
Honestly, Cyane probably hates EVERYONE.
23) Which OC did you create first? And last?
Well, in that list, Cyane first, and Cyrus last.
25) And if those two were fighting, who would win?
Cyane! XD She's had hundreds of year to perfect her fighting skills. While Cyrus only had 18. XD
26) Are your OCs fat or skinny?
FIT! Fit! Fit! Fit!
27) What are your first 2 OC's favorite foods?
Cyane likes oriental. Taku, surprisingly likes sweets. Cakes and stuffs. He actually wanders into the town every now and then to buy some.
28 ) If your listed OCs were in a fight to the death, who would emerge victorious?
Either Ame or Cyane. They'd probably fight for days and days before one of them just decides to drop out from boredom.
29) There's a zombie attack and your OCs are stranded. Who do they elect to be their leader?
No one. They'd be freaking out and running and screaming and crying. Except Cyane. She'd just sit there. And I just Ame would turn to the god and he'd get a kick out of setting them all on fire.
30) During said zombie attack, who's the first to die?
I remember saying Cyane before. But I remembered she's immortal... so she'd become a strange wolf demon zombie thingy. =/ Cyrus would be the first to go.
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Cyane's Random Complaints and Stuffs.
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I was born on the day of Xemnes + Axel
In the month of Luxord
In the year of Xemnas + Demyx and Demyx + 0
My Fave Number is Marluxia
I was born on the day of Xemnes + Axel
In the month of Luxord
In the year of Xemnas + Demyx and Demyx + 0
My Fave Number is Marluxia
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