amazing people arre for other amazing people so if ur not amazing then dont ever talk to me. theres a lot of amazing people in my life and that wont change. you meet new amazing people and then that amazing people tree grows. but when you meet just completely weird people the amazing people tree gets smaller. my amazing tree is average because you meet amazing people and just very weird people. im a amazing person and weird so if you know me then your tree is average too!!
by ashley hall ♥
(i just thought of it and the one thing is because me i meet this completely weirdo) lol courtney i dont remember his name omg im sooo funny but thats sooo true....please comment on this if you read it
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i write about stupid stuff like hi or put a similey face for gold if i am in a hurry and i will write about trips like going to the beach, mountains etc
Ashley's Tektek Shop [img:a101d347af][/img:a101d347af]
A life with love will have some thorns, but a life without love will have no roses.
Don't marry the one you can live with marry the one you can't live without.
A life with love will have some thorns, but a life without love will have no roses.
Don't marry the one you can live with marry the one you can't live without.
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sparks the britty
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