You talk a lot but say nothing meaningful. I don't hang out with your kind...
It must be boring to take the route where nothing blooms.
People do evil because, really, they are lonely.
So, because I am going to die for you...
you don't have to worry about little wounds like this!
The Future is not yet decided.
Man decided what normality was. One's value are for oneself to decide.
See with your own eyes, and think for yourself.
You should cry if you feel like it.
If you have nothing to cry for, then you have nothing to live for as well.
Maybe living itself is lonely.
You come into the world alone, and you die alone.
The sky is so blue. The sun is high and the sea is big.
Stop worrying. Things happen in your life like they're supposed to.
I envy you -- for being able to be happy stupidly.
Judging by the way he fought, he didn't practice hard enough to cry about it.
You don't know what the mountain's really like until you've climbed it.
Any mountain looks tall if all you do is look up from below.
Once a pretty girl learns how to take it easy, she never looks back.
This whole business has been dangerous from the start.
But that danger is what keeps me safe.
Risking my life and throwing it away are two very different things.
'Probably' means nothing.
I want you to understand something...
I didn't love a criminal.
I loved...
...a human.
With your death
Please break me...
If you have power, you need to understand how to utilize it.
If only I had the power back then, if only I can get a hold of such power...
Anyone who has cried over his lack of power feels that way, I think.
But from the time you take that power into your hand,
you'll become the one who will make others cry.
Even though the two of us are filled with cold and misery
Our tears are warm and gentle.
Your living skills are so poor it's hard to keep watching.
Until we met you...
We were birds who could not fly...
People don't bully those who shine brighter than they do.
I don't need you if you won't give me all of yourself.
Our school holds up the ideals of honesty, love, and courage...
but please just grow up without worrying too much about that.
You can't call being nice to someone you don't even like "nice".
I (sometimes break but occasionally)...
keep my promises.
You can't try to run away from your worries.
If there's something that worries you, then you should worry about it!
And just worry about it as hard as you can...
because you have the strength to change things that are hard into positive things.
What I just said is 20 percent out of respect, 70 percent real truth and 10 percent other.
X_Samantha_Cullen_X Community Member |