So... I've been thinking about Dad again recently. I don't know why. It's... Kinda dumb I know... But... >.< I dunno...I just can't help feeling sad sometimes. But then... I start hating myself for missing him. Because he doesn't deserve it. I get so angry, and then sad. I'm still so confused as to what to feel. I don't want to betray myself one way or the other.
Some people think I should feel both. But I don't. It makes me want to cry thinking about all that he did... or... All that he most likely did, which I'm pretty sure he did. I've been wanting to do some other things too, that I shouldn't... Going back to hurting myself etc.... I really want to sometimes. I just feel so alone every once in a while. That I'm not cared for or loved. All I want is a father... A loving family.
Recently Deidra and I have been getting along better. I'm really glad for that. We were cuddling the other day. It makes me so happy. Because we used to be like best friends. I loved that. I always remember Northern Idaho ... When we'd play in the hallway with Corkie, or play with our horses and animals, or when we'd catch grasshoppers and jump in the hay in the barn. Or that one time when we went camping for a week across the street by ourselves. My gosh that was the greatest. lol Or whenever she'd beg me to let her be my dog. She'd bark and even put on Corkie's leash. lol Or when our parents would go out by themselves for hours, we'd play Lion and Tiger or Wolf and Human. lol I loved those games. I kinda want to play them.
Sometimes I wish I had, had different parents. But then I realize... If I did, I most likely wouldn't be the person that I am, and I wouldn't have gone through all things I have, seen all the places, and met all the people and friends that I have. I hate what I went through, and yet I'm really glad I did. My heart still breaks though. I feel.... Almost, like an incomplete person. That the life I deserved was never given.... Never cared for. I just want to feel loved. Here comes my favorite personal saying... My heart has bled to ash. It's like a stabbing wound. It doesn't hurt at first... While the person is stabbing you, or the first second or two when you cut yourself, but then... All of a sudden the stabbing, throbbing pain comes... It aches and never completly goes away until you put something on it. I wish I had some medicine for my heart. I just feel like crying... I wish someone was here to make me feel better... I feel like such a child right now... Which... My counselor says in a way I am. Which makes me feel dumb, but I suppose I know what she means. *sigh* I hope I'm not this depressed tomorrow.
Tomorrow should be fun! I get to go to a hotel in San Jose and eat grapes, expensive cheese, crackers and drink some wine, and then go out for sushi smile ^.^ I also get to go dancing and wear my cute new outfits...
So, yeah... *sigh* I want to keep writing, but I'm sure I've written enough... Espically, in the form of poems... To many are about the same thing....
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