I lost track of how long Ive stayed on this god foresaken piece of rock, but I appear 19 right?
See the whites, yeah thats from being a Vampire.
Good or Bad:
I'm naturally bad but hey s**t happens.
Okay I know what your thinking, this guy right here looks pretty nasty and mean right? Well, you are right actually, Xiyro isn't the one to 'hang' with others or try to make friends no! Normally he's an anti-social jerk face who likes to humor people with his punk-like attituide, not really a trusty side kick if you ask me but, he looks cool like that doesn't he? Now you have to give it to the guy Xiyro does look pretty cool being 'The tough silent guy type'. Xiyro likes to back away form the crowd and watch from the shadows instead, though dare I warn you, that doesn't mean he isn't cold hearted WHEN he talks, sometimes he doesn't mean to be a cold hearted jerk, and sometimes, he does it all depends on how special you are to him. He does have heart you know.
Well let's see where do I begin?
My father was a great Vampire Yakuza leader of old Japan who ruled parts of Japan with an iron fist named Jonzo, my dear sweet mother was a korean prostitute named Chloe who was a prostitute..but she was sweet and kind, or so my dad had said when he told me how he fell in love with her. Later on my parents whiped me up and abracadabra I was born, Now I don't really know much of the rest of my past for some strange reason, after the great incident at my home I had lost all my memory of my life and the only thing left that I remeber...were images of horrifing scenes of death and suffering,and yet, I see myself...Enjoying the look of it. all I know was that my parents were protecting me from something...something that was hunting me down...Something that they sacrificed their life...just for me, I'm going to find the person who took my memories away from me, I'm going to find the one who killed my parents....And when I do....I'm going to make them pay.
As I searched for years for answers I came up with a name of my own, Xiyro, since I didn't know my name I might as well make one up for me. Now continuing, as I searched I found myself getting closer to the clues, on my journey I had discovered some new thigns about me, well I easily found out that I wasn't human, I was vampire so I wasn't surprised by the fact of how WHITE I am, seriously I need a tan. Second, I found my 'gifts' were actually my powers I was born with, I am able to sense if someone lie or tells the truth to me just by looking at them, I found out that my father was a lightening thief, meaning his famil had the power to control lightening and all that, But what I found more interesting was that I could manipulate the shadows of the darkness and Plasma, now that, is cool...But I still havr to get use to it. Many years after, I finally found the one who stole my memories, it was then I found it was a family member of my own who had taken away my memories because he was 'protecting' me so his exuse was. I knew it wasn't true, I have a sense of knowing when people lie to me or tell the truth, you can say it was a gift but I call it just ordinary. And so, I killed him, he was my fathers brother who was actually working for the one responsible for killing my parents for greed of money and, he was envious of my father for being the Yakuza leader. After that incident I was thrown out of my family, both sides never wanting to see my killer face again, so what? Not like they cared anyway...And so I still search for answers and for this killer as I hunt for the scent of the shadow that indulges me.
Mirror, Mirror on the wall: