Carmines parent never wonted her. Carmines parents were the kind of people that didn’t like kids, thy where two young to understand what it meant to take care of a child. when they found out that they where going to have her it was inevitable, thy both came to the diction that abortion was to cruel, giving this pregnancy a good deal of thought thy desisted they would keep her until she turns 7.
As the years go by an little carmine grows her parents drifted farther and farther from her.
It wasn’t like thy where her parent at all really they where more like guardians.
Her parents may not love her like she would wont but thy did take good care of her.
She got good food, and when she had a cold or was sick at all they would take care of it.
But that changed on her seventh birthday.
They had said that they where going to the store to get a special something for her. Carmine thought that was odd her parents never doubted upon her even on her birthday. Feeling like she has been left and abandoned, little Carmine begins to understand what its like to live by yourself. It has been four day’s sense her parent left her. Little carmine was ok with her parents leaving. She did not blame them after all she was a shy timid girl that never talked to any one and only read her books.
After little carmine got herself ready for the day she walked down to the kitchen to try and find what little food was left for her. Looking at the contents of the cabinets then looking in the fridge, there really wasn’t any food just a jar of pickle juice and a funny looking thing that might have been a orange. Sighing in exasperation she went back to the cabinet to see if there was anything at all. Setting her book by Charles Dickenson down she went to get a chair to look deeper.
“Sweet victory from the can fairies that been I found you wonderful fruit cocktail” grinning from ear to ear at it then casting her gaze to the black-eyed peas in the other hand, ‘well I can go with out or eat it and stop the insane growling in my tummy’
Nodding yes she opened the black-eyed peas saving the fruit for latter.
After eating and cleaning her mess up, she grab her book and went to the back porch to read on the swing for the rest of the day. Getting comfy with the swing pillows and twin stitch quilt. All settled and comfy she started to read. An hour after she was in to her reading her stomach started to growl agene. Sighing then rubbing her stomach in hopes of soothing the beast in it.
Concentrating on her book she tried to forget it all for get her parents her empty cabinets the empty fridge all of it and just dive in to her Davey Copperfield book.
Unknown that she was being watched by her neighbors son. Ever sense the Walkers left he has been keeping an eye on her. Watching her out of the two story house, Sighing seeing that the girl was getting smaller from lack of food. Rolling his eyes
he went into the kitchen and made some lunch for her and himself. When he finished he came back out with two juices and two P.B.J’s. Nick noticed as he came up to her that the small girl looked sick. Her hair was less shiny, her eyes had bags, she looked ghostly white, and in need of a food and blood transfusion because she was so dame white and bone thin.
“Hello” nick said softly
Carmine looks up from her book startled that someone came to talk to her. She new it was not her parents so she was unaware that any one out side of her family would talk to her.
“Are you talking to me?” pointing to herself
“You are the only one here.” Rolling his eyes at the dume remark.
Carmine looks around but sees no one else.
“What do you want”? looking at him like he was a alien. Carmine wasn’t used to young people around her.
Smiling sweetly nick sees. “I was wondering if I could interest you in some lunch with me.” Motioning in the air the juice and sandwiches
“No thanks. I’m not really that hungry.” Carmen’s stomach makes a massive growl after her comment and she flushes scarlet red. Nick is surprised that the puny little girl is able to go scarlet at all being so anemic at all.
“That’s not what your stomach is telling me.” Nick said mater-of-factually.
“Why do you care?” her words weren’t meant to sound mean but came like a stuck up snot face girl.
“I don’t care, but I do care if you pass out and I have to call my mom to carry you to the hospital.” Nick did really cear about her. He just didn’t wont her to know yet.
Carmine started to shake at the thought of hosps.
“Fine. You win I will eat the stupid sandwich.” Shutting her book an looking at him.
“That a girl.” Nick tosses the food to the meek looking girl. She caught it with ease and scarf’s the sandwich down. The boy watch’s with profound amusement at how much she was hungry but denied it. As she finished her juice she kept eyeing his sandwich, to focused on her that he never touched his.
He looks from the sandwich to the girl then tosses the sandwich to her. She grabs it and devours it greedily.
“Thank you so much, I really needed that.” Standing up to brush the crummy’s off herself and throw the garbage away.
“ No prob. First ones always free.” Winking at her .
Carmine looks confused: What is that supposed to mean?
Nick shrugs “I gotta go mom might get worried see ya around.” Waving by he walks down the stairs then to the wooden gate that separates there yards.
“Okay……..bye. Carmine whispers back to nick.
Nick walks back in to his yard. Carmine’s confused by the meeting, but then starts to cry. In her heart deep down she knows that either her mother or father will ever come back and that even if she has friends she might always be alone. Looking up at the now falling sun, carmine is grateful that she has her little quilt around her, seeing that the wind was picking up, and the organ nights where always frosty ones. Still looking at the sunset she marvels at the pinks an purples with all the fluffy clouds in the sky. Feeling like she could fall asleep out on the porch watching the sunset. It felt like the sunset was telling her that she would be fine, she would be cared for, she could take care of her self in some kind of way. And just like the filling carmine did fall in to the most wonderful sleep she had ever had in her newly seven years.
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ARISASUE'S trash can of thoughts
this is my thoughts on my world and also so of the stories i have been working on.
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