stolen after midnight
Deviantart Watchers
Arena Fans
stolen after midnight
Deviantart Watchers
Arena Fans
Well, we've come a long way in a short time. I swore to Tsugumi we'd get out of London by the end of September, and it's only a few days late! Hurrah! Thank you guys so much for sticking with me this far and I hope you can hang on 'til the end! ^_^
Right. About me.

That's me on both sides! Ignore the random cat in the middle. The dog isn't mine either, he was at the animal shelter I volunteer at. As was the cat. (LOL)
Since I am in a form-ish mood, let's do some profile forms!
Age: 16
Current Gold: 16,728
Likes: Rock, sweets, Let's Play videos
Dislikes: Food mixing together, my own ODD tendencies (And my mild dyslexia. I meant both 'ADD' and 'OCD')
Grade Level: Sophomore
Height: 5'5"
Clothing Style: Whatever's clean
How do you Want to Die?: I want to be shot during a Bermudan vacation with Johnny Depp. ...What?
Most Recent Trip to the Mall: Two months ago.
Relationship with Parents: Good
Hate Anyone: Not naming names
Sexual Orientations: Bi-Curious
Dye my Hair?: No
Hand: Right, wish I was ambidextrous
Obsessions (Besides KH): Death Note
Favorite Quote: "Please note that we have added a consequence for failure. Any contact with the chamber floor will result in an 'unsatisfactory' mark on your official testing record, followed by death. Good luck!" ~ GLaDOS, from Portal
Likes to Cosplay as: Demyx!! YEAH!!!
Favorite Card Game: Poker, but it's difficult to find other people that know how to play
Pets: None at the moment
Favorite Game (Besides KH): Okami
Favorite Organization XIII Member: Demyx, because he's a lot like me.
Least Favorite Organization Member: Vexen. His laugh will haunt my nightmares.
Skills: Drawing, music
Instruments: Violin
Favorite Animal: Cats
Pet Peeve: Like I said, food touching other food on my plate. I'm a very picky eater, if you haven't guessed.
That's all for this special! See you next time, where I'll tell you more about my co-author! Thanks again for reading!! heart