Tom&Jerry Shipper: A Love Note from Meowth to Pikachu
Sweetest Pikachu,
Long has it been since I've yearned to tell you these words.
Each day passes with this burden on my chest.
My mind is absorbed with thoughts of you and I.
A constant daydream that only your lightning brings me out of.
Like the first time, it hurts, but now I love the feeling of your power.
Each current ingites my heart with a burning passion.
I only wish to give you the same feeling.
Pikachu, won't you run away with me?
Leave your old life and I'll spend all nine lives with you.
All I ask is to be with you, for a day, no, a moment.
One chance, one opprotunity to show the cat behind the mask.
For now, next time you shock me, know that my screams of pain,
Secretly mean "I love you"
Long has it been since I've yearned to tell you these words.
Each day passes with this burden on my chest.
My mind is absorbed with thoughts of you and I.
A constant daydream that only your lightning brings me out of.
Like the first time, it hurts, but now I love the feeling of your power.
Each current ingites my heart with a burning passion.
I only wish to give you the same feeling.
Pikachu, won't you run away with me?
Leave your old life and I'll spend all nine lives with you.
All I ask is to be with you, for a day, no, a moment.
One chance, one opprotunity to show the cat behind the mask.
For now, next time you shock me, know that my screams of pain,
Secretly mean "I love you"
Blasting Off Into Your Heart,