She is the cutest ferret in the whole world!! She will be a year old on March 15th. She is very playful and makes a lot of cute noises. She also enjoys stealing all of my socks and a few shoes. At the moment she is all tuckered out and sleeping. As for myself, well.. still not doing much. Live at home. (I'm 20 now.. time flew by) And currently looking for work. I have a messed up sleeping pattern. It's 3am at the moment. I probably won't fall asleep until like 4 or 5. By the time I wake up each day I've pretty much missed everything. Too late to go and look for a job. I've had people say "just get up in the day and do stuff!" which would be nice. But it's easier said than done. It's hard to find work in the world right now. especially work that pays enough to live off of. I don't date.. oh god.. That's all I have to say about that... lol. two horrible experiences. And yeah that's the update I guess. Ain't life a b***h? lol
Smoke weed every day!