.hack (Legend of the twilight) 1

Rena - Shugo = Twins (14) Brother and Sister
.hacks are "The World"'s legendary heroes. They are soooo popular, they're talked about in "The World" mythology. They are called .hacks. Rena wins them randomly. Shugo and Rena don't know they ARE the .hacks . They start out at Lvl 1 (just like everyone else)

Rena wins two rare characters on an RPG online game called "The World." (Usernames: Shugo - Kite/ Rena - Black Rose)
When they get there, Kite (shugo) complains about the nerdy outfit. Then he gets mad at what Rena is wearing (because it's really skimpy) They go to a fight area (LVL 1/Beginner) Kite (shugo) and Black Rose (rena) see a lvl 1 puppy (monster) and Kite (shugo) thinks he can take it. He gets owned. Pwned! He says he quits and starts walking off. Rena fake crys and he comes back. In the beginner battle area, they find a LVL 40 GOLEMN! RUN KITE AND BLACK ROSE! They run like hell. Shugo dies, and he ends up somewhere, unable to move. Aura tells him he must no die, he's the 'The World" legend--it's hero. After she tells him all this, she kisses him (Shugo freaks OUT! His first kiss.....Aura kissed HIM!) She then gives him the twilight bracelet and is returned to the battle field. Black Rose (rena) Calls his name. The golemn is still there. Rena is saved by Balmung, (who hits on her a bit). Kite (shugo) yells at him to set her down. (Balmung--"The World" moderator.)

Shugo and Balmung are both HUGE perverts!
XD I love this Manga.