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this is a HEADER OF DOOM
stupid sleep
and its awsomness
cant wait for friday gonna get some china buffet in fremont! woohoo!

need minutes on phone still have none.

not doing anything until 9pm tomarow??!~?!?!? wtf do i do till then!?

sleep all day? bla

need to buy plywood and a mechanic tool set.
putten bike in bedroom to restore over winter! XD!!! excited smile
new paint, clean carbs/rebuild carbs, new jets and needles, gaskets, seals, plugs, coils, cleaned from top to bottom and detailed! its gonna look so amazing next spring! mmmm yummy

stupid bike uptown isnt for sale anymore i seen it sitten by the guys garage rather then out by the road witha forsale sign on it. geuss nobody wanted to give him what he wanted for it!? which is insane cuz he was only asken 1200for it!??! insane????? a honda vfr750!? hyah!? ide buy it if i had the money, thought about taken out a loan to buy it. lol then ide have 3 bikes! DROOOOLZZZZ... lol dream come true! need more!!! bigger!!! FASTER!!!! SCARIER!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHa, somthin that will at least do 150, itsno fun only doin a 100... sad ima speed junkie dammit!

or sell my 2 then ide have enough to buy the vfr! biggrin !!! YAY!!!! hehehe

i cant wait for spring! i miss riden soooooo much, but i dont have the money to get new tags... sad arggg gotta wait till next spring. lol till then i get to sleep next to my big bike in my bedroom lmao.

ummmm that is all. eek

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Tue Nov 03, 2009 @ 09:33pm
s**t son.
you talk a lot.
You got a cell now?!
Just no minutes??

******** call me when you do. O:
We should play video games or something sometime.

commentCommented on: Wed Nov 04, 2009 @ 01:12pm
yup ive had a phone for like almost 5 months now??
my numbers 419 490 1786, but i like hardly ever have mminutes lol
one month ill have minutes and the next month i wont, im poor like that.
XD haha yea me killen you had to go up lol
thanks for the "bad a**" comment! biggrin ! biggrin !

Mmmm Games! blaugh
what games you playen these days?

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