Name: Akai Ryu (Yes, he is named after a plant....Long Story XD) Nickname: Kai Age: He appears to be seventeen. Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight, but more likely aesexual. Race: Fallen Angel or Human. (switchable! XD) Likes: Dislikes: Personality: Akai is a quiet, solemn figure. He hates to fight, but will defend the weak. He's always thinking about something, with a frown on his face. Akai is a bit of a dork compared to normal people. He has a lot of knowledge, but hardly understands much of the real world. He tries to stay out of trouble, but trouble is attracted to him. Bio: Akai was once an sentry angel. His duty was to watch over dying souls, that he may choose which afterlife they belong. He did his job very well until one day, he was sent to observe a young maiden. She couldn't have been more than nine years of age, yet she would soon die. She was pure in every way and Akai couldn't help but smile when he thought about her. The maiden died and Akai sent her to heaven. The young girl seemed to miss her life, and Akai questioned the fairness of God. He challenged God, "Why would you kill such a fair child? There are many dark souls out there to take, why would you take one so pure?" He asked. God became angry that one of his angels would question him. "If you believe there are that many dark souls to take, why don't you go do it?" He bellowed. Akai feared his God, but at the same time, he had something to prove. "I'll do it!" Akai said, determined. God frowned and sent Akai away, down to the earth which Akai seemed so attached to. He was now to be a wanderer, following the scent of evil until the world met its demise. Akai's life was eternal, but his body mortal. He suffered many wounds throughout time. The worst, happened during his most recent fight. It was against a fearsome demon, who corrupted the souls of all it encountered. Akai fought valiantly against the demon, but was no match in the end. His body was torn to pieces and his right wing ripped off. Akai was returned to heaven, where God was to judge him. God told him it was not yet his time, as the world still needed him. He was tossed back onto Earth into a new body... Akai awoke to the scent of exotic plants all around. He stared at a hole in the greenhouse ceiling. Someone spotted him, they were yelling. He didn't really understand what they were saying. Instead, he just ignored them and looked around at the plants. One in particular caught his eye, the Red Venus Fly Trap, Akai Ryu. The name stayed in his mind when he was taken by the police. They questioned him, but he didn't understand much. They figured he was just dumb, or foreign. One said they would have deported him if he had known where he was from. The sheriff asked his name, the only thing he remembered was Akai Ryu. It just kind of stuck after that. The sheriff took him in and kind of fostered him. He lives his life as a normal, unassuming human. Akai's only connection to his past, is vibrant dreams of long ago battles... Bio TL;DR: Akai was an angel; he had an argument with God and was cast out. He pretended to be a human on Earth and secretly fought evil. After a long battle in which he lost his right wing, Akai remembers nothing. Now he lives a quiet life as a normal human. Appearance: Reference Sheet | Akai | Akai Winged | He's 5' 9" tall, 152 lbs., he has a well-defined muscle tone (six-pack abs, slightly bulky biceps/triceps), He usually stands in a soldier-like pose always with a frown. His eyes are black or red, his hair is a silverish white, his skin is fair if a bit pale. He only has the one wing because the other was ripped off in a battle. Arts: (oldest - newest)
waypou2004 · Wed Nov 04, 2009 @ 04:32pm · 0 Comments |