All these stories are REAL and taken from other Gaia users.

Edwards Lullaby
Hm, Friday night Me and about 5 friends were at a park, and on the outside of the park, there is a fence, and on the other side of the fence is a forest, grown over an old grave yard.
Sounds cheesy right?
Well we were telling ghost stories and then My friend timmy noticed something in a tree, and we all thought it was a cat, right?
We saw glowing green/white eyes.
But no light in the area to make the eyes reflect light like that!
Then we heard this non human noise..
It went away for maybe 10 seconds. Then it appeared next to this pile of wood on the ground.
Then we knew it wasnt a cat.
We could see a silouette of a human-LIKE figure, but it was nooooot human
It was on all fours, crawling.
Then you could see its face. NOT HUMAN!
You probably wont believe me.
But i know it was some sort of demon.
All 6 of us saw the same thing. =|

edit: that forest was on Unsolved Mysteries.
(when your in it, in daylight, you see things.. not explainable)

I beleive you on this. BTW: I love unsolved mysterious!
Well, anyway last night I was the only one up.
My brother was passed out on the couch and there
was only two lamps on--
one in the living room, and one in
my front room (where my computer is).
Well, I was on Gaia. It was about, 12:00-1:30
in the morining. I kept thinking I saw reflections
on the window in my front room.
It was a full figure, inside, not out. I looked back.
My brother wasn't up. This kept on happening
until I decided just not to look at it anymore.
After that, nothing happened.
I was really scared.
The person I saw
had short hair and was
tall, looked about 15 or 16?
Possibly 17. Not like my brother
So i was freaked, yeah.
So, around 3:00 I went to bed.
I watched a some TV and kept
hearing noises so I just turned it off and went to sleep.
I was really scared.
I'm rarley stay up longer than my
brother--but it does happen.

I was at my friends house, and me and my friend had to go down to my friends grandmother's house to get potatoes. Her grandparents wern't there though. We both have a fear of dolls, and it happens that my friends grandmother collects dolls >.< The room the potatoes were in was were the dolls were. So we had a huge fedish of trying to get the potatoes, there was alot of screams and and trying to run away, but finally we got the potatoes. We turned off all the lights, and locked the door when we left. We were walking back to my friends house (she lives up the road) when my friend looked back the kitchen light was on. Repeat: we turned off ALL the lights. You might not think its scary but we did. We started running home cause we were freaked. When we were near my friends house, my friend looked back. And the lights were off. We were freaked out.

Around 2 weeks ago i was at my friends house, and we were just takeing pictures at a rather late hour( around 11 pm) i don't know why but i started dancing like i was waltzing with some1, then there was a flash of light and it looked like some1 was really there. As i found my friend to tell her what happend, the lights went off and the carma went off. And in the picture there was a silver rope were my neck should of been (i didn't show up in the picture, and the backround was all black, even though the flash was on)

Now we only come to my house....

Your ganna love these. All of these are true.

1: "Family Reunion"

I have two stories for this one.
First- My grandmother died a while ago and my brother was only 1 year old. Now, it was late at night and they were in my mothers room getting ready for bed. My little brother looked at the wall for a moment. "Gramma." He said. My mom picked him up and asked him what he said. "Gramma." he repeated, then pointed to the blank wall. My mom swore she saw nothing.

Second-My Great Grandfather had died not to long ago, but my brother sworn he had played a trick on him. It was late at night and he was asleep with his pillow NEXT to the wall, away from the edge of the bed. He got up to go to the bathroom, not moving the pillow at all. Note: EVERYONE was asleep. When he came back, it smelled like his house and the pillow was on the floor, across the room.

2: I have no name for what happened.

This one happened only two days ago. My friends Kk and Kara were cleaning the upstairs. Anyway, Kara was in the bathroom cleaning spots off the door and she could've SWORN it was clean. She turned away to clean the sink, and looked back to see the spots there yet again. She cleaned it again, and then turned to clean the toilet. She looked back to see the spots in the SAME places. Kk tryed and the same thing happened.
Later on, Kara was at the top of the stairs, waiting for Kk to come back up. As she came up the stairs, Kara saw a faint light, like an orb, next to her head for a few seconds. Then dissapered.
Then Kara was on the edge of Kk's bed, crying. Apparently, she was getting very claustriphobic. She was screaming "Go away, get off me." And felt hands all over her arms and legs. Kk came in to see what was up, she touched Kara's arm and Kara pushed her away, thinking it was another pair of hands.
>>We believe Kara was seeing things because her brother used to secretly do witch craft at the house.<<

this is my story...

..ok so i have had a few encounter but i do beleive it was my guardian angel.

1st encounter- i was walking through my house, it is pritty big, 2 story 4 bedroom home. so anyway i was walking up the stares not holding the gaurd rail, when something taped my shoulder. i was the only person in my house, but i looked to the side, i saw a white peice of thread on the guard rail. i picked it up and held on to the guard rail going the rest of the way up. well i was 3 stares from the top and i sliped on some water, the guard rail saved me from falling 18 stares.

2. this one is weird but still. i was in the kitchen helping my mom cook when i looked over on the table and saw the same peice of thread as before, i shruged it off and continued cooking, i felt something grab me, so i looked back at the table and there are two peices of thread, so i walk to the table and pick up the thread and two seconds later my mom drops a knife right where my foot was.

3.i know that was not a serious one but this next one was the one that had me believe i had a guardian angel there with meee. i was walking down the side walk to my aunts house to see my cousin and hang out with him. and go swimming. any way i always look aroungd when i walk to make sure i am safe, well i looked down and see the peice of white thread. i stoped and picked it up, when i picked it up i looked at it, and a few seconds later a branch falls infront of me. it was not a small branch either. it had to have weighted 40-50 pounds, i would have had a concusion at the least.

those are freaky encounters for me. i saved each peice of thread i ever found, that had saved me from something, i know have atleast 6 peices. and more stories but those are the three that prove to me i have a guardian angel..

A couple of years ago, a guy came over to fix our dryer and while he was fixing it my mom laid down to take a nap on the coach in my livingroom. So me my dad and my brother went out to go to the store ( and we know this guy fixing our dryer cause he's a friend of my dad so we trust him alone in our house with our stuff and while my mom was there). So my mom fell asleep on the couch and she woke up a bit a half an hour later and thought she saw some guy standing over her and holding his hand out. So my mom was like half asleep and completely out of it and she thought it was my dad's friend trying to wake her up so she could pay him or something. But we found out later that my dad's friend had left for about 20 min. at that time to get something from his truck and no one else was home. So we thought it was just a dream but a week later I was siting in that same spot watching tv and all of a sudden the tv turned itself of and I didn't touch the remote. Then I saw the same guy my mom saw holding out his hand. So I felt kinda scared but I felt safe with this guy and wanted to reach out and take his hand but then I think I heard him say go outside and when I went out there all of a sudden a big tree branch fell though the window right were I was sitting before and it would have hit me if I had stayed in there. The branch didn't do much damage but if stayed there I could have been realy hurt. Later I was looking at some old photo's in my living room and I saw a picture of the man me and my mom saw and I found out it was my grandpa Joe who I never met cause he died b4 I was born. My dad said that when they 1st moved in he used to hang out a lot and drink a can of beer with my dad in there a lot. It was so creepy but I still think he's around here looking out for us. Also, since he's buried right down the street from my house, my cousin's and i like to ride our bikes down to his grave and put any wild flowers we could find on his grave. I also think some of my other dead relitives are looking out for me and my family which make me feel safe.

I have liek 2 guardian spirts. When i was 6 years old i was palying and this guy came and grabbed me. Before he could put me in his car, the car turned on and drove towards a stop sign. The police that was coming around the corner saw the whole thing. When i looked at the car i saw one female and one males face looking at me and then disapred. When i was 10 years old i we were talking and my parents thought i was tlking to myself (the ghosts respond too) So they took me to this docotr and he said nuthin was wrong with me. THen when i was 11 i was home alone and the lights went out. It was scary because my house is huge, and i just watched a scary movie. The ghsots comferteded me and then yah. They're still with me and right now they're in my room and im tlking to them =) i call the woman jenny and the male rick. THey help me alot. Turns out they died in my house before we moved in and they saw my birth and decided to take caare of me because they wanted to have children but they never got the chance to. Its awsome =)

Last night I was lying on my bed, it was like 11:25 or something, and my cat was lying on top of me. So I'm just looking up @ the ceiling and all of a sudden I see all these shadows moving around my room. My cat see em to and she jumped up in the air and then ran under my bed. I was kinda scared at first but then I felt calm and then most of them left but a few stayed. So my cat climbs out from under my bed and lies on top of me again but then she and I both felt edgy and soon enough, out of the corner of my eye I saw what looked like a face peering right at me from my closet but then it was gone. I kept seeing more shadows last night but my dog came up and stayed with me through the night and my cat stayed as well so I just fell asleep for the rest of the night. What was also strange was that I had this scary dream that I was in a haunted house and it looked a lot like my grandma and grandpa's old house but there died and I haven't been there in years. Also there was this lady in a long black silk dress. She was very old and had tangled dark gray hair and black sunken in eyes. She was mad and said get out of my house in a loud voice that sounded more like a ghostly sheik. I tied to get out but no matter where I ran in the house I couldn't find a way out. The lady in the black dress would disappear now and then but she would appear now and then in the same corner every now and then. I soon found out it was just a dream but I still couldn't wake up. So the next day I'm reading this book I found in the library about haunted places of New York, and in the book it talked about an old lady in a black silk dress who haunts a house in upstate New York. People thought it was the ghost of the former owner who killed her self inside the house in like the 1930's. She was later discovered by a neighbor who said that she had not seen her for a few days. It said she was found in one of the corners of her living room. Now her ghost appears in that same corner at around midnight. The book had a picture of the woman on the next page and it looked just like the women in my dream. It was so creepy! And I'm not lying

omg it was so scary because my best friends sister was at her friends house with this wierd girl, and their mum had just gone out. they looked out of the window to see a person with a red jumper outside trying to open the door so they freaked out. then the wierd girl said that they kepy an axe downstars for emergencys, so she went down to find that it wasent there. they TOTALY freaked out then. the mum came back, and when they asked her if she was wearing a red jumper, she replyed no. then they went downststairs so see the axe was there, in its origional place! AGHHH!

All these stories are true; Thanks to everyone who posted them.

Here's a couple of MY stories (besides the one at the top).....

Well, when I was eight or nine I had a glass doll named Shirley. I had another one named Alice. Well, at first I LOVED the dolls and thought they where sooo cool. But, a couple nights after I got them I started feeling scared. So, when I went to bed at night (my bed was in the middle of my room, then) I only stayed on my back, or faced Shirley and Alice. They where put on my bookshelf, on the left side. I never turned my back to them. Almost never. I felt like Shirley was always watching me. It felt like she watched my actions and everything. Well, I got soo scared I was scared to even go in my room. If I did--I grabbed what I need and ran right back out. I kept making up excuses to sleep on the couch. I told my mum I was scared so she put them behind her HUGE T.V stand.
Well, my brother knew about Shirley so he and his friend decided to play around with her. They started scaring me and freaking me out. Well, they set her down in my mum's room-- they went back to get her and she was totally moved across the room. My step dad was at work and my mum was downstairs with me. They where soooo scared.
From then on I was scared of dolls--no matter what kind. Shirley and Alice are still in my mum's room....they never least...not yet...

OK! I'm so scared i'm down stairs alone and it's sort of gray outside, a tiny bit of light and my house is really scary.....Comment or PM if you want me to post more ghost stories!
I'd be happy to!