...but i felt like adding an entry. I've been not sleeping, eating cake, drinking tea and listening to Malice Mizer, Gackt, Miyavi, Dir en Grey and some Moi Dix Moi. Generally wasting time, in short. I'm should be finishing the melody for 'Motto Fukaku' or as I call it 'bad song number two' and recording a simple version of 'Dakishimete' or 'bad song number one' onto a cassete so that I can have Aki~Aki listen to it when I get back to school. The lyrics to both songs suck, and song number two only is about half done lyrically. And I've hardly even thought about the guitar parts for them. Or the harmonies, drum parts and keyboard overlays. So much work still to do!
I think that I'll buy a grab bag edit from Rejected Material. In the meantime I stole this from the shop:
 I hate Valentine's day, but I wonder what it is?
Ohtori-chan · Tue Jan 24, 2006 @ 07:42am · 1 Comments |