A Talk of Obsession...
Ok, I just saw New Moon, and it was pretty good. The problem I had with the movie didn't have anything to do with the way the movie was made. It actually was a small group of people that were watching it at the same time as my little group. The other group had on those team Ed or team Jake shirts. Fail number 1. Then before the movie started, they started shouting about how their own team was better, and that group split into two very annoying groups that were yelling at each other over which team was better. Fail number 2. Fail number 3 is when Edward and Jacob came on the first few times, they were screaming "Team Edward" and "Team Jacob" for their respective obsessees. But the part I loved most was the part where Bella tackled Edward, not because it had Edward in it, but because the Team Ed people shouted "Team Edward" and a small group behind us yelled "Go Team Necrophilea!" and both teams stayed quiet for the rest of the movie!!! After that, on my way home, I saw a couple of guys wearing shirts that said "Team Necrophelia" and "Team Beastiality". I didn't stop laughing til five minutes later when we got to Chili's. blaugh dramallama