1. One, I'm not surprised how the road never ends.
It goes on and on. And it makes me trip and fall.
I stumble over bricks and cracks which make bumps in my life.
The path has a bunch of stones
And when will people ever clear the way?
2. If people ever said to you "Go on, there's nothing to fear"
Well they're sadilly wrong, cause you might get hurt
Scrapes and cuts and aches and blisters
What will you discover the hard way?
I unhappily found a beetle..... and a crack........ and a blister
There's never a road without a bump.
And I learned that the hard way.
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Read a little of my scribbling about my life. :)
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these cupcakes are SwEeT!
A cupcake isn't a cupcake until just a tiny bit of uniqueness and sparkle is added to its frosting.
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