i am 67% girly.(:
[x] I do wear make up.
[ ] I have cried at a movie theater.
[x] I can put mascara on without opening my mouth.
[x] I get jealous.
[] Pretty darn good actor too.
[x] I love to laugh.
[x] Not too mushy though
[ ] I carry a purse all the time
[ ] I owned p***y Cat Dolls CD.
[ ] I owned a Britney Spears CD.
[] I owned a boy band CD.
[X] You've been called a spoiled brat
[ ] I have had a piercing other than my ears
[x]Scary movies frighten me.
total: 7
[] I like Skirts
[] I wear dresses regularly
[] I own a pair of Heels
[X] I have Boots
[X]Talk alot
[]Takes you forever to do your hair
[ ]Obsessed with yourself.
[]Go to the mall a lot.
[ ] Confident about your body
[X] You have lots of make-up.
[x] You always wear something bright.
[X]Most of the time on the phone or chatting with your friends?
total: 12
[x] My fingernails/toenails are almost always painted
[x] During the summer practically the only shoes i wear are flip flops
[X]My favorite toys as a child were Barbies, Bratz, etc
[x] My favorite color(s) is pink or purple
[x] I did or am in Gymnastics
[] Hollister and/or Aeropostal are one of my favorite places to shop
[X] Tight jeans are the only jeans i will wear
[x] I own something from Victoria's Secret..
[] I did ballet as a little girl
[x] I own a purse
[ X] love to hang out at the mall with friends
[X] I have more than 10 pairs of shoes
[x ] I love reality shows
[X ] My hair is almost always straightened
[] Bobby pins are my best friend
[x] I own something from Hollister
[] I don't shop at Hot Topic
[X] Can't live without music! My cell phone or ipod is important to me
[x] I wear mascara a lot
[ ] Big sunglasses are hot
[x]I have gotten my nails done before
[X ] I own over 10 purses
[] MTV is one of my favorite channels
[] Pretty much all you talk about at sleepovers is girls/guys
[X] love people doing my hair
[x] I give and receive hugs from all my friends
[X] I hate bugs
[x] Summer is amazing!
[X] I go shopping a lot
total: 33
[X] I pick out shampoo and conditioner strictly based on smell
[ ] I don't like sports that make you sweat
[ ] I squeal when I am surprised or angry
[ ] I eat fruit as a snack
[ ] i have 5 billion hair products
[x] I love to get dressed up for certain occasions
[X ]I apply lip stuff 3 or more times a day
[ ] I wanted a bra way before i ever needed one
[x] I love music
[] I love rainbows
[] I'd rather not pay attention in school
[ ] Kittens are adorable
[] I write or have written a poem
[x] I'd love to visit Hawaii
[X] Valentine's day is cute
[ ] I would not be caught in all black
[X ] My closet/dresser is FULL of clothes
[X ] I like to read magazines
[] I had Lisa Frank folders/posters/notebooks as a kid
[x] I've seen Camp Rock or High School Musical
[] I have or still do plan ahead for my wedding
[] My friends and I are in a strict group
[x] I like little kids
[ x] diet soda rules
[] I am or at one point was a vegetarian
[X ] Check my myspace/facebook/email everyday
[ X] I have a lot of jewelry
[ X] i have to shop
[ ] i don't mind showing my legs
[X]have more than 3 pillows on my bed
[x] you love your friends
[ X] You love gum
[ ] You're lost with out a purse
[X ] You laugh a LOT
[x] Smiling is a part of you
[ ]You're scared to go in hot topic alone
[ ]You wont let your mom shop for you
[ ] you basically only like whats on the radio
[X] You own at LEAST 4 things from hollister
[ ] You Love attention
[x] You Love stuffed animals
[ ] You go over or have gone over your phone limit
[ ]Most things smart people say confuse you
[x] You would die with out a computer/ipod/camera/phone
add 15 to your overall total
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