- Hello! I haven't written a real post entry in forever. biggrin
How are you today, random person who's reading my journal? I bet you got here from my signature! (I linked it to unsuspecting people with laggy computers.)
Lately I've been doing homework, studying, sleeping, eating, and watching Asian dramas! I've finished You're Beautiful, a Korean drama about a girl who has to take the identify of her twin brother in his new band. It kind of reminds me of Hana Kimi and Mulan since she has to trick everyone into thinking she's a guy...
I'm also watching a Taiwanese drama called Hi My Sweetheart. Since I know Chinese it's a relief to not search for the subbed ones every time. It's about a "nerd" who goes to a school to be independent and study away from his protective older sister. He meets a girl called Bao Zhu, and due to misunderstandings they separate and meet again later. Check it out, everyone!
On Gaia I've just been keeping up with a few roleplays, but I'm still trying to find new ones. However, these past few days I haven't found one that interested me. I usually like romance roleplays, or action roleplays-- but I don't like both at once. I don't do horror roleplays, but I do like futuristic and pirate roleplays. Medieval/fantasy is o-kay.
In school there hasn't been much going on either. Just the usual schedule I'm sorry to report. emo
I just changed my signature(again), with a button with my name and a poem from Redwall. I forgot which book it was in... I think it's Mossflower, one of Gonff's poems. If you've ever read that book, you'll know who I'm talking about. Gonff's personality is so cute! He's my favorite character.
So many new movies came out recently! I really want to watch Avatar sometimes. The characters in there look so cool, especially their skin... when I first heard of that movie, my mind immediately jumped to Avatar: The Last Airbender. I've heard that a lot, only I've been too lazy to go to wikipedia and find out what it is.
Well, that's it for now.
Keep updated!