General Information
Name: Kiba
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Druid
Personality: Honest, Polite, Curious
Physical Description
Height: 5'4''
Body Type: Toned, but not buff
Eyes: Sparkling Red
Skin: light tan
Hair: White
Style/Length: ear-length, disheveled
Distinguishing Features: slightly pointed ears
Clothes(Medieval Style)
Tops: wears a light dull green long sleeve shirt leather hide vest over top (armor)
Bottoms: Hide Brown leather armor
Shoes: Worn out moccasins
Jewelry: Wolf totem necklace
Other: Wield Quarterstaff with ruby charm on one end.
White fur
Wears a studded collar with Citrine, Aquamarine, Zircon,gems on it. (In that order)
1. Just Kiba
2. Kiba, Shuranai. better to get my vote for this character. Its mostly about their bond. So id rather you draw an art with both interacting with each other. but if you would like to do just Kiba then thats OK too. But it would help your chances of winning for Kiba to draw Shuranai.
(OK if just drawing Kiba then i would like to see him with the slight smile with his quarterstaff at the ready. i don't care how he is positioned thats up to you surprise me.
If you are going to draw Kiba and Shuranai then i either want a cute picture of them interacting with each other. Or a starting a quest pose. just looking into the distance ready for journeys to come. Facing toward the the reader. its again your choice.)
Relationship with other characters
Kiba-Shuranai, friends since childhood <3
Kiba-Gaston, a decent friendship but it has its rough times
Kiba-Fae, Friendship is kinda distant due to previous experiences but it manages
Kiba-Serval, best buds since childhood but since Serval left the village its up in the air .
Kiba an average hight half-elf, was born and raised in Sukayu Village, a small village within the forest, trees occupying half the space of the village. His mother, a normal human, and his father, a half-elf hunter, kept him well within the city limits until he came of age. During this time he spent many hours with his friend, Serval, who shared the same heritage. A strong bond of friendship arose between the two, half-elves as they grew. When he reached manhood, at the age of thirteen, the village elders performed the sacred ritual of the Village to accept him as an adult and to assign his spirit animal. During the ritual the elders assigned a spirit animal that would guide him on his travels. His totem was "The Wolf",strong, cunning, brave. The following year, Serval did the same and, as if his hair wasn't a clue to all, his totem was "the Tiger". The two continued to do everything together. One night, they snuck into the forest and much to the surprise to the two youths, they found an abandoned wolf pup in some brush. Kiba took it in as his own, seeing it as a sign that he should find his totem, and named it Shuranai. It was not long after that, that the new group of druids were chosen in the tribe to travel between towns and keep peace in the forest. Of course, Kiba was chosen but to his surprise, Serval was not. The town elders thought Kiba to be an effigy of Discipline, Honesty, and Wisdom, while Serval was more untamed, deceptive and chaotic. Thus, Kiba was taken with Shuranai to learn the secrets of the world, traveling to other villages and making sure peace was kept. Years past, as the bond between Shuranai and Kiba grew stronger Kiba's relationship with Serval became more distant as they saw less of each other. One day while traveling, the druids came across a carcass of a tiger. This upset many of the members but they chose this as an excellent opportunity to show the circle of life to Kiba. But Kiba knew deep within him what this meant. When Kiba returned to his home that time, Serval was gone. He had sought to know the secrets of the world and to make a name for himself. Feeling betrayed and remorseful, Kiba didn't know what to do but to finish his learning. After much learning, the druids accepted the level of his knowledge and let him continue the migration of his life. So, Kiba and Shuranai headed south-east in the same direction his friend had gone one year ago.
Chapter 1: High Tower
Kiba went on his adventure. He Left Sukayu Village and looked for where to begin his adventure with Shuranai , his only friend now, by his side. Kiba headed south east as told by the elders to begin his own journey and maybe find Serval. While traveling one day Kiba noticed a storm begin too brew. So he and Shuranai looked for shelter only to find a large tower with a large wood door. Kiba with much effort opened the door and decided to enter to avoid the storm. Inside was nothing but darkness until Kiba lit a lantern to shed light in the tower. In the center of the room was a tall Dark figure Dimly lit by the light. A burly well muscled human was standing tall looking towards Kiba and Shuranai. After a talk between the two they later got to know each other. The man's name was Gaston. Later after chatter between the two the door opened to reveal another figure that came in and shut the door behind. The cloaked figure sat in a corner of the room. Kiba and Gaston later after a discussion found out that the figure was Fai a beautiful halfling rouge who also searched shelter from the terrible storm. After everyone got to know each other they chose to be allies to search the other corridors of the tower. Gaston Broke down the first door to reveal a long hallway filled with rats which the group took down with little effort. They tried another door that revealed a sarcophagus. Inside the room a floating head from the body which Gaston easily took care of. They went back into the hallway to find a room with a zombie which after much fighting the group succeeded. Later on in the night they decided to rest after they hard battle. Noticing that in the night Kiba and Shuranai noticed Fai had snuck into the sarcophagus room and decided to follow not knowing that Gaston had heard them. Upon entering Kiba noticed that Fai was nowhere to be found he peeked into the sarcophagus. Seeing Fai Resting inside it. Fai noticing Kiba pull out a dagger as Gaston pulls him away to take a peek. as he did Gaston learned a valuable lesson. Fai slashed his face causing a large gash in his face. Fai explains that its a more strategic point to stay in a solid room with no openings than in a open corridor but tells Kiba and Gaston they must sleep in the hallway into the room and not in the room with her. After the nights sleep they all decide to stay together and head towards the city of Vrist.