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story to Kim
Wolfy: tony is my tiger
Wolfy: he only speaks an adapted version of german that i made up
Wolfy: so I'll translate those parts in parenthesis
Wolfy: kay
Wolfy: we was walking through asain
Wolfy: asia*
Wolfy: when out of nowhere!
Wolfy: an old man threw a cat at us
Wolfy: we was like "wtf old man!" and he said "i teach you cat"
Wolfy: and we were confused so tony said "ictenfunden grobden glog"(lets get out of here)
Wolfy: and we did biggrin
Wolfy: then we got abducted by aliens
Wolfy: who turned out to be chinese evil magicians from the fuedal era o:
Wolfy: and tony ate them cus they called me funny looking
Wolfy: after that we took the ship and flew to mars where we met the prime minister of russia biggrin
Wolfy: and long side story short, tony ate the prime minister and tehy crowned us kings of russia o:
Wolfy: it happens a lot
Wolfy: but after that, we went to visit a cook in new jersey
Wolfy: and we were sitting in the booth at the resturant
Wolfy: and a taco walks up!
Wolfy: so me and the taco started dating
Wolfy: but it didn;t alst logn cus you know...it was a taco
Wolfy: and tony got hunry
Wolfy: and ate her D:
Wolfy: it was sad
Wolfy: but he elt me finish her off ;D
Wolfy: and then we went to the amrkey
Wolfy: t
Wolfy: market* D:<
Wolfy: and we was skipping around getting weird looks from random strangers when suddenly the ninja attakced!
Wolfy: so tony called in his pirate buddies
Wolfy: but they got beat cus ninjas are better at fighting on land than pirates o:
Wolfy: so tony was all "grendal frent gdeeeeeeeeennnn!!!!!"(i will evenge youuuuuu
Wolfy: )
Wolfy: and he ate them biggrin
Wolfy: and then we went back to the school
Wolfy: where i saw you
Wolfy: outside that one time
Wolfy: tht was the day after this happened
Wolfy: and i told tony about you
Wolfy: and he said "ooooooggggg" (random noise cus he was eating o smile
Wolfy: and then i saw you again biggrin
Wolfy: and i was happy!
Wolfy: and we was hanging out
Wolfy: and you was amaizng
Wolfy: and then evil monkeys with laser guns tried to kill you! D:
Wolfy: oh noes!
Wolfy: but me and tony saved you cus i liked you
Wolfy: but we had to do it without you knowing
Wolfy: cus if you knew you was in danger
Wolfy: o:
Wolfy: then the world would explode
Wolfy: and we don;t want that
Wolfy: if the world exploded i couldn't see you anymore
Wolfy: so after that i went to that concert
Wolfy: and tony made sure it all went nicely
Wolfy: "made sure"
Wolfy: ;D
Wolfy: and then you told me you liked me
Wolfy: but liek
Wolfy: i was telepathically talling to tony cus he needed my help with defending you from aliens
Wolfy: and the tacos that came to take revenge on me by killing the girl i love
Wolfy: and so i didn;t know what to say ol;
Wolfy: o:
Wolfy: cus i was saving your life at the time
Wolfy: ;D
Wolfy: and then me and tony had a aprty with his tiger buddies
Wolfy: and i could only think about you cus we was dating
Wolfy: and i was excited to see you again
Wolfy: tony thoguht i was being alme but he understood
Wolfy: and so tony is always out there protecting you from the bad guys that is trying to harm you o:
Wolfy: and that's why you ahven't met him yet
Wolfy: cus he's protecting you for me ^^
Wolfy: the end
kimiiscool: *claps* biggrin

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