The Greatest Survival Horror Game in the world! I feel like to post how i beat it. So i let my Friend " Exit " borrow the game since september. That was the last time he came over to my house. So week ago he finally was able to come over, and return Dead Space. I was on level 10 since last. I never passed it since i was Scared out of my mind. Had to last 5 mins against monster that can't be killed. So i had good Reason to be scared. So i asked Exit if he wanted to play halo. Instead i got different reply. " Nah i really want to see how Dead space ends. Since i never passed level 5! "
" Are you sure. "
" Positive! "
Well it will be like hours for me to reach level 12.
So he watched me play it. He Cheered me on! Well technically he Screamed me on. We both Screamed at the scary parts, but that made me felt better since i wasn't the only one screaming. So we continued on doing puzzle and what not. Then less then 2 hours i've made it to the Last Boss. I'm like pale has snow during the battle. Kicked it's 1 mile but back to the Planet! Then escaped in the shuttle and watch some fireworks! Woot!