Species: Human
Gender: Female
Alignment: Neutral
Height: 5’ 6”
Weight: very light
Theme Song for Anastasia
Appearance: Almost an opposite of her brother. Both are somewhat comely, though that’s where the similarities end. He is tall and powerfully built, she is small and lean; he prefers to dress in armor and wield a war hammer, she likes silk and satin, and is not comfortable using a weapon at all.
Personality: Like her brother, her emotions are out in the open, and a little naïve. Not one to fight physically, she is more cautious and thoughtful than most.
Background: Originally she had her brother chase after Sir Willem to try to bring him home as her husband. However, her brother came back bearing a message about his quest. He would not return until she was far too old to wed. She gave up on Willem and listened to her brother recount his adventures. She was jealous and snuck out one day to have adventures of her own. She was ill prepared for her journey and got lost after her first day. She almost died but was saved by Drallam, a creature that was an ancient conduit of mystic energy. They now travel together, hoping to help rid the world of evil.
Special Ability:
Conduit- Drallam is an unusual creature. In his normal form, he looks like a tiny bird; being only about a foot long and having a wingspan of about 2 feet. He is smarter than he looks, having the ability to speak. He can transform using her as another conduit of the mystical energies he has lost contact to after coming into his current physical form.

Drallam as he appears normally:

Earth form:

Fire form:

Air form:

Water form: