My name is Apollo Adleington and this would be my lovely younger sister, Christina.
I’m Twenty and Christina just turned Twelve.
Are you not able to tell that I’m a male and my sister is a female?
I guess you can call us “gifted” humans. We are both incredibly bright and have been called geniuses often, but we are much more special. You see, I am able to spot out when anyone lies and I am able to shift into large predatory animals. Christina is the telepath of the family and has the control over water.
Such a personal question!? I would be heterosexual and my sister is WAY too young for such things!
You wish to know about our past? Well, I guess I can start this off to where Christina was born. I was eight when my little sister came into this world, and though I was disappointed about not having a little brother instead; I was still glad to have Christina. We were and still are inseperateable and it made our parents incredibly happy that we loved each other so much. It was when I turned thirteen and Christina turned five our parents realized that we were incredibly gifted. Though we were all afraid of our newfound powers, we stuck together and hung tough to figure things out.
It was two years till we were able to have full control over our gifts, and our parents were very proud of us. We lived happily for quite awhile that was until I turned eight-teen and Christina was turning ten. My parents and I was going to throw this big golarious party for Christina that night, and so my parents decided to take her shopping for her birthday while I finished decorating our home. The party was supposed to start at six but it wasn’t till ten that someone finally showed up on the mansion steps. The flash of blue and red lights made me cold with fear, and when I opened the door my fears were confirmed.
My family was on their way back from town and was involved in a head on collision with a semi. The truck driver was incredibly tired and was working way too much, and finally fell asleep at the wheel. My parents tried to dodge the truck but that is a hard thing to accomplish if you are on two-lane mountain road. Christina was the only survivor because of her abilities. She was able to put a barrier around herself and then tried to protect our parents but it was too late. Christina may have left that crash with her life but she lost her voice, and will only speak through telepathy.
My name is Apollo Adleington and this would be my lovely younger sister, Christina.
I’m Twenty and Christina just turned Twelve.
Are you not able to tell that I’m a male and my sister is a female?
I guess you can call us “gifted” humans. We are both incredibly bright and have been called geniuses often, but we are much more special. You see, I am able to spot out when anyone lies and I am able to shift into large predatory animals. Christina is the telepath of the family and has the control over water.
Such a personal question!? I would be heterosexual and my sister is WAY too young for such things!
You wish to know about our past? Well, I guess I can start this off to where Christina was born. I was eight when my little sister came into this world, and though I was disappointed about not having a little brother instead; I was still glad to have Christina. We were and still are inseperateable and it made our parents incredibly happy that we loved each other so much. It was when I turned thirteen and Christina turned five our parents realized that we were incredibly gifted. Though we were all afraid of our newfound powers, we stuck together and hung tough to figure things out.
It was two years till we were able to have full control over our gifts, and our parents were very proud of us. We lived happily for quite awhile that was until I turned eight-teen and Christina was turning ten. My parents and I was going to throw this big golarious party for Christina that night, and so my parents decided to take her shopping for her birthday while I finished decorating our home. The party was supposed to start at six but it wasn’t till ten that someone finally showed up on the mansion steps. The flash of blue and red lights made me cold with fear, and when I opened the door my fears were confirmed.
My family was on their way back from town and was involved in a head on collision with a semi. The truck driver was incredibly tired and was working way too much, and finally fell asleep at the wheel. My parents tried to dodge the truck but that is a hard thing to accomplish if you are on two-lane mountain road. Christina was the only survivor because of her abilities. She was able to put a barrier around herself and then tried to protect our parents but it was too late. Christina may have left that crash with her life but she lost her voice, and will only speak through telepathy.