but first, this is the story that lead up to the event:
So my night started on the computer, finishing some mexican food we had gotten. My mom and brother were watching some show I didn't like too much, and I was thinking to myself: "I wanna go to someone's house... Or have some people over."
As I continued to look up random people on myspace, I heard noises outside, teenagers I guessed, going to the skate park that was near my house. Then I looked up at my phone, seeing that I had a text message from my friend Bree. I looked at it and read: "look outside!"
I peek out of the blinds and people [shadows] are waving at me. O.o
I go outside and there they are! Bree, her boyfriend Chris [the guy from the painless tattoo commercial [I know his name now!], Marrisa[a chick who likes my brother], Jason [jacky's brother], Jacky, and Cyle!
we stood out there for a while talking then Jacky, Jason, and Cyle came inside and the others left.
So, since it was Jason's first time being at my house, we all talked in the living room for a while so he could get used to our dog and cats. But I had to go and clean my room
so then we all went to my room and DDR started and videos were made XD
[[ click here ]]
Then, Jacky and I kicked the boys out so she could get me all dressed up. XD
here's the results:
[sorry if they're too big, I'm too lazy to edit them]

then she made me look all emo. XD

My eye looks all weird in this one since I was trying not to blink [we were taking pictures in pitch black areas and using flash on the camera XD ] I was so focused on not blinking that I forgot to smile.

And here's a picture that Jacky took of her brother, I didn't even know it was on my camera. XD

enjoy! <3