Once upon a time. WAIT, nvm this happened yesterday right before the super bowl
Any ways, i was hanging with my friend Chaz and we were walking around. then we went over to our friend Nate's house. when we get there Nate is outside playing football. we walk over there and Nate's mom looked at us then her head twisted around three times and she turned into a dragon O.o then she goes Raw RAw RAW and started spitting out fire. so i go SCREEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMM. and then she turns back into a human and after that about 1 minute later she stands up on one foot puts the other foot on her side and she grows 2 more arms and puts them in the meditating thing thats like a O on there hands. then she grows a elephante trunk and freezes. about 5 minutes later she un freezes turns into Medussa and looks right into my eyes and sees her own reflection. then a TALKING COW popped out of nowere and i was like OMG ITS A TALKING COW then Chaz was like OMG GTFO and Nate is like WTF and then the cow turned into a elephante and charges me. then hits me and i hit the roof which is weird cause i was outside O.o and i broke my back then i stood up and started running away then the elephant turns into a GIANT ZEBRAH AND EATS MEDUSSA then the GIANT ZEBRAH turnned into a human for like 1 minute then fallz over onto its back and starts to float then it was like RAAAAAAAAAW and turned into a vampire and bit me on the throat and i was like OMFG WDYDT and he was like boop boope doope doop and i started to run then he turned into a vampire and started chaseing me and then he pulled out a tiger tooth - or was it a shark tooth? thats it is was a tiger shark tooth- anyways it was a tiger shark tooth and he threw it into my neck and i turned into a tiger shark and like i was running really fast while swimming through the ground - it sounds impossible but it happened - and then it fell into this pit that somehow i floated over. and then i turn back into a human and chaz caught up with me - btw nate was eaten by medusa sorry nate- and i was walking with chaz through the Gobi desert and my school falls out of the sky and hits a hippo - WTF WAS A HIPPO DOING IN THE GOBI DESERT - and then we walk inside and start doing our lesson then some old dude walks in with his cane and then a blue wizard hat randomly pops onto his head and his cane shrinks and it turns into a wand then he turns all the girls into fairies and the boys into pixies and then all the pixies started fighting and the fairies were like fight fight fight fight then me and chaz turn into humanz and they all look at us and start screaming then they bow down before us and randomly chaz gets sucked into my head. and then all the pixies and the fairies turn into rinos and knock me right into a cloud and i start falling and then i freeze in the air but i could move not like through the air but like move my legz and armz. - it was really weird cause i thought you could go through clouds and i was flying O.o - then a bird flys through the cloud and i was like WTF HOW COME YOU CAN FLY THROUGH THE CLOUD BUT I CANT then i spit on it and it poopz on my head and i was like ******** YOU AND TURNED INTO A DRAGON AND ATE HIM but i turned into a human again then i look over and see my friend ethan (ebro) and theres the wizard hitting with a whip in the abz of course ethan didnt get hurt because he "apperently" haz rock hard abz and on the thrid hit he turnz into a rock golem - like the onez from dnd im a nerd i know - and smacks the wizard into a cloud then grabz a peice of the sky and peggez me with it and i fell to earth then i found some old lumberjack house. meanwhile inside my head chaz is fighting off crazy ******** super smash bros melee ppl and then one of them cutz a hole through the space time countinuem and so chaz jumps through and sees my friend harrison standing there while jesus was being put on the cross then he cought on fire and a bunch of CRAZY INDIANS come out of the ground and start danceing around him and then some ******** crazy a** wizard - i think hes the one from later in life remember they went back in time but i dont know if it was him cause the wizard haz a mullet and the one in the futur haz a afro - startz floating then he turns into a giant spider and eats himself so chaz keepz on flowing through time and some how flys foward millions of years even though he was going backwards into the 1970s and he was trapped in a disko and abe linkon was there and they were smokin some weed together man then he found out it was a satan worshiping disco and they all turned into demons and then chaz pulled a katana out of hiz pocket and started making hiz way to the exit like : scream scream well then he died and turned into link and was frozen now back to my part ok like i went into the lumber jack house and saw santa naru and ******** domo oh wait i forgot pikachu were watching the super bowl so i walked in and grabbed a beer. then randomly i ate naru idk y i just wanted to O.o and then about 10 hourz later link runz through and hides in a closet then i saw gannondorf GANNONDORF and hez like hey did you see a guy with a green hat come through here and we look at him then randomly he eatz domo and i was like O.o then he runz into the back room and killz link ( chaz ) then somehow nate turnz into a giant alien - which is weird cause i thought medussa ate him - and starts stomping around then yoshi and the coolaid man run in and nate its yoshi for some reason then i was like NATE WTF YOU KILLED YOSHI and he was like boop boope doope doop and i was like so true man then yoshi ripped open hiz belly and turnz into a giant chicken then chuck noris walks in and starts jerkin then crumpin the rejectin and starts sing NEVER GUNNA GIVE YOU UP NEVER GUNNA LET YOU DOWN NEVER GUNNA RUN AROUND AND DESERT YOU NEVER GUNNA TELL A LIE NEVER GUNNA SAY GOOD BYE and then he fallz and starts swimming on land then somehow i teleport into the ocean 10 milez under water and go into this plazma houseand i see this vat of toxic waste and jumpin and starts swimming in it then i fall asleep and wake up in a catholic church and chuck norris walks in and he goes boop boope doope doop and i was like DUDE GET THE ******** OUT YOUR NOT EVEN CATHOLIC then i was like wait neither am i O.o then the priest dude turns into a giant zebrah and eats me then i rip open hiz stomach and turn into a gaint alien and when i got out i ate him then i turned into a human again then i got hit by a meteor and aliens came out and probed chaz who was somehow alive and then i waz like dude wtf and they were like boop boope doope doop and started floating away then chaz grabz a sword turnz into link and ridez away on a magic flying chicken then i looked at chaz who was somehow next to me even the he just floated away do you think this haz anything to do with those mushrooms we ate or the smoke we smelt and he was like naw then we went home and watched the super bowl
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