Main Characters
These are my main characters. Gaia doesn't have everything I need to make my characters exactly as I draw them, so I improvised and some are still not on here. I will update them when I can.
I need help with some of the names and styles. If you have any ideas, please tell me in the comment section. Thank-you.
I need help with some of the names and styles. If you have any ideas, please tell me in the comment section. Thank-you.
Dieter Amsel

Ah, my idiot vampire from Germany. He breaks all the rules to being a vampire, even drinking blood! It's not that he doesn't drink blood, but rather he likes ketchup better. His lack of intrest for vampire tradition irritates his grandmother to the fullest, but there's not much she can do about it. Despite his idiocy, Dieter is skilled in martial arts and has his moments of cleverness when needed. His main enemy is his own ADD.
"OMG, I need a cookie!"
Amy Amaya

This little Japanese witch is skilled in both witchcraft and fashion designing. Mostly everything she makes is Goth, but she does has friends who inspire a more "normal" line of fashion. This poor girl has the mix-blessing of a Bad Luck Charm cast on her. Either she gets bad luck, or others around her get bad luck. Despite the Bad Luck, she's still able to hold her head up high and look towards the future without a worry in the world. This may be due to her relationship with her idiot vampire boyfriend, Dieter. The hat on Amy's head is the "shell" of her little pet monster. It has no real name, just Hat, and all you ever see of it are its color-changing tentacles. This hat is so secretive that even the creator doesn't know what the thing looks like!
"If you don't like my work, Hat will eat your face off."
Edward (Shade) Sythe

Edward is the Grim Reaper's apprentice. He's learning the trade of being a Grim Reaper. The only problem is that he has a soft spot for animals. This is more of a problem for hunters. Needless to say, he's a vegeterian. If you're caught tormenting an animal, say your prayers because you're dead. Edward has no simpathy for corrupt humans and will dispose of them in a blink of an eye. Beware of what you're thinking, because he can hear your thoughts, too!
"Killing you makes me happy."
John Johnson

A mixed twist of simple and complex at the same time, John is nothing short of an Emo kid. His lack of intrest in the world and his never-ending dislike for the human race keeps people at bay. He normally keeps to himself. The only thing he seems to care for is his little brother, Timmy. Timmy seems to be the center of John's life and the only thing John will smile at. John is a well-rounded character despite his appearence. He's very artistic, and able to repaire anything old and out-dated. John carries a dark past on his shoulders unknown to his little brother, and tries very hard to keep Timmy from ever finding out.
"There is no point to this world. Why are you still here?"
Kwiz Evans

Breaking the old sterio-type that all Goths are white, Kiwz carries the title of Mad Scientist. With no real common goal, Kwiz will build, mutate, or dicect whatever he can get his hands on. Things can get a little out of hand when experiments don't behaive themselves and like to make trouble. That's why his lab partner, Roxan, is there to help clean up his mistakes. His trust in her is about as strong as his love for her. Now, if only he could get over his lack of social skills and ask her out!
"Good thing I never use logic in my experiments or else they wouldn't work!"
Roxan Fin

No, it's not cosplay; she really does have a fox tail and ears. Due to one of Kwiz's failed experiments, Roxan was mutated and recieved body parts belonging to a fox. At first, she was nearly ready to rip off Kwiz's head, but soon grew used to the benefits of being a hybrid. Roxan has the attidude of a fox which you do not want to mess with. She also happens to have a love for science. Always trying to prove wrong to the impossible, she has set her goals to being a mad scientist just like her mentor and lab partner, Kwiz. Her feelings of affection for Kwiz are often hidden and hard to tell if she's mad at him or in love with him.
"I dare you to say Foxy Roxy."
Timmy Johnson

The youngest of the Johnson siblings, Timmy lives a care-free life style that only a seven year old knows how to. Timmy has no memory nor knowlage of the rest of his family other than John. Since Timmy was a baby, John has been raising Timmy all on his own since the age of ten. Timmy spends most of his time hanging around his brother, or around Dieter and adopting Dieter's idiocy. Timmy has never been a "problem child", but that doesn't mean he doesn't get under his brother's skin once in a while.
"Haha! Your face is funny looking!"
Dawn Creator

Dawn is the alias and creator of this comic. She is your's truely, me. I have my own little character who does hardly anything but sit at her desk and write comics. Consantly messing with my characters, I tend to make John's life the worse. He and I are practacly mortal enemies! This comic drives me insane sometimes, and I can only get relief when I torture my characters. That, of course, makes them very mad and they'll harrass me.
"I don't get paid enough to do this...."
Extra Characters
These are extra characters that may or may not play big parts in to comic. If you couldn't tell already, it's turning into more of a story and for right now it seems to be centering around John. Don't worry, that'll change when I think of everybody else's lives.
Paris Sims

A very stylish young girl and very talented cheerleader, Paris is popular and well-liked, however she's miserable. Paris' cheer captin does her best to control Paris' everymove and thought, along with the rest of the cheerleaders. Paris has to pretend that she's dim-witted and must date a jock she's not very into. It's not until she gets into a fight with John that she realizes she needs to take control of her life. When she hooks up with John, Paris is shown who her real friends are and who all the fakers are.
"It's hard to live a life you don't want."
Lizzy Downer

As the new girl in town, she's shy and hard to talk to. Everything that comes out of her mouth is negative. She has no friends, until Amy decides she and Roxan need to brighten this lonely girl's day. Lizzy is stuborn and starts to hate Amy and Roxan for trying to "help" her, and thus becomes their enemy. Lizzy hides in the shadows and sets traps and pranks for unsuspecting victims.
"Go waste someone else's time."

No one knows her real name, and even fewer know that she's a girl. Her appearence and voice give her the image of a boy. Her hobbies are killing, killing, and more killing. She aims to take Edward's place as the apprentice of the Grim Reaper, and thus creates a problem for him. Trying hard to keep his title, Edward is forced into cheating and slaying those that are not ready to die, and the even bigger problem is that he's falling for the enemy, and that's really not good as Scarecrow plays with his heart strings.
"Blood, blood, and more blood! What could be better than that!?"

A failed experiment of Kwiz's. While trying to clone Dieter, Timmy accedintally wreaked the cloning machine and the clone came out as a white blob form of Dieter. It has no brain, yet It can move, talk, and It can react to all five scences. No one knew what to call It, so It's name stayed as It. It thinks like an infant and speaks like one, too. Nothing it says makes sence.
"I be one cow lick of a nickle and I know Fiddo you loved a taco."
Emily (Emmy) Johnson

For some reason, no one can tell that she's John's younger twin sister. Emily and John share a dark past that John has tried so hard to keep hidden from Timmy, until Emily comes in and breaks the silence! When she first arrived to find John, she posed as her twin brother and fooled everyone into thinking John had totally lost his mind! That is, until John came home. Then the secret was out that John had a twin and that Timmy had an older sister this whole time! But that was just the tip of the iceburg. Emily is reasponsible for John's heart-breaking past and feels no guilt for what she did.
"I'm here to make your past haunt you, big brother."

Kira is a small kitten; the runt of the litter. Stuck in a cardboard box on a rainy day, Kira was left in front of a shop for someone to take her home. She watched as people walked by, but no one wanted her. As her box started to fill with water, a certain emo kid walks by and sees her. He picks her up and then tucks her under his jacket in a breast pocket. Kira looks up at him as he stares down and says, "I think Paris will like you. I think I'll name you Kira." Kira soon found herself lying on the pillow next to the emo kid's head, purring all night long.