You Should Smell Like a Cherry

You are not as you seem. Most people think that you're sweeter and more innocent than you actually are. In truth, you are a total wild child. You just keep it all on the down low for appearance's sake.
You are happiest when you're plotting and scheming a bit. You can't help it, you have a devious mind! You are good at charming people and getting what you want. You are naturally popular, and people just always seem to love you.
What Fruit Should You Smell Like?
Blogthings: Our Quizzes Weren't Written By Bored 12 Year Olds ^popular?no. scheming?well it wouldn't be very fun if you found out now would it? Which Historical Lunatic Are You? You are Gaius Caesar Germanicus - better known as Caligula!
Third Emperor of Rome and ruler of one of the most powerful empires of all time, your common name means "little boots". Although you only reigned for four years, brief even by Roman standards, you still managed to garner a reputation as a cruel, extravagant and downright insane despot. Your father died in suspicious circumstances, you were not the intended heir, and one of your first acts as Emperor was to force the suicide of your father-in-law. Your sister Drusilla died that same year; faced with allegations that your relationship with her had been incestuous, you responded, bafflingly, by declaring her a god.
You revived a number of unpopular traditions, including auctions of properties left over from public shows. When a senator fell asleep at one such auction, you took each of his nods as bids, selling him 13 gladiators for a vast sum. You attempted to have your horse, Incitatus, made into a consul and hence one of the most powerful figures in Rome. It was granted a marble stable with jewels and a staff of servants. At one point you forced your comrade Macro to kill himself - in much the same vein as your father-in-law - accusing him of being his wife's pimp. You, of course, were having an affair with said wife at the time.
Things went from bad to worse. When supplies of condemned men ran short in the circus, you had innocent spectators dragged into the arena with the lions to fill their place. You claimed mastery of the sea by walking across a three-mile bridge of boats in the Bay of Naples; kissed the necks of your lovers, whispering sweet nothings like "This lovely neck will be chopped as soon as I say so,"; dallied with your sister's lover and made her pull her unborn child out of her womb prematurely. Towards the end of your reign, you had a golden statue of yourself made and dressed each day in the same clothes you yourself wore. When you eventually died, the terrified people of Rome refused to believe that such a cruel reign could ever end, and believed you to be alive for years afterwards. ^incest?hell ******** no. The other stuff? if i was motivated enuf prolly biggrin <img src="http://rumandmonkey.com/widgets/tests/images/lunatics/c.jpg" title="I'm Caligula!" alt="I'm Caligula!" border="0" />
You Are Wiley and Smart

You're the type of person who can get out of any jam. You always have your wits about you. Other people find you to be a little dangerous! They know what you're capable of.
You are always planning and scheming. You can't help it - your mind never stops going. You tend to outfox everyone standing in your way. You don't like to play dirty, but you will if you have to.
The Baby Animal Test
Blogthings: A Fine Line Between Insight and Stupidity
What Song Will They Play At Your Funeral? ((PIX!!)) You won't have a funeral

Odd. You're either immortal, have no living relations, were found face down in the gutter somewhere like Poe, or all of the above. I can't seem to pin you. I guess that means you get to choose. Aren't you lucky?
im hidin this here http://www.facebook.com/createmorebirthdays?ref=nf&v=wall#!/photo.php?pid=30809425&id=1107132218&fbid=1251804251027
You Are Mischievous

You are a curious and clever character. You can help but stick your nose everywhere, especially where it doesn't belong! You are sneaky and a bit of a shape shifter. You can hide your true feelings and intentions very easily.
People never know what you're doing or where you're lurking, but you always know what they are up to! You are very resourceful and street smart. You know how to make the best of what you've got. ^lmao well they got that right xD The Finger Puppet Test
Blogthings: Take a Quiz. Annoy Your Friends.
You Are a Lion

You are a highly charged, emotional person. You are very restless and energetic. You tend to be moody and a bit impulsive (a bit?!). It's easy for something or someone to get under your skin.
You are quick to take action. You act on your intuition, and you're always ready to get going. You are very sensitive and even a bit touchy. You have a pretty frightening temper.
What Safari Animal Are You?
The First Rule of Blogthings Is: You Don't Talk About Blogthings
You Persuade People Through Emotion

You hate to admit it, but people make decisions with their hearts. Their heads don't play much role in the equation. So even though you are cool headed, you know you have to be warm hearted in order to convince people you're right.
You craft your words carefully. You speak to inspire, motivate, and stir up emotions. You know that once someone wants to be on your side, they'll figure out their own reasons for why.
How Do You Persuade People?
Blogthings: If Quizzes Are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Take Quizzes
You Are Outrageous and Optimistic

You are the type of person who lives life to the fullest. You believe in going big or going home. You aren't shy about what you want, and you aren't afraid to get it either. You really go for it!
You have a bold personality, and you tend to be attracted to anything or anyone who is over the top. You are open minded, and you have eclectic taste. You truly can appreciate all the flavors of the world.
The Birthday Cake Test
Blogthings: Our Quizzes Weren't Written By Bored 12 Year Olds
You Are a Roller Coaster

You live for excitement, adventure, and the most intense of thrills. Nothing is better than feeling you're truly alive, and you're willing to take risks to feel this way. In relationships, people often feel a bit nervous about what they're getting into... But generally, everyone enjoys the wild ride you take them on. Unless they stay with you too long - then they're apt to feel a bit nauseous!
Your life has more low points and high points than most people's lives. But that's okay - you love them. You figure that a smooth ride is boring! Besides, you know that super high highs only come from knowing super low lows. You cherish every emotion you feel and feel it fully. Why deny what life is truly about?
At your best, you are loving life and sharing your wild times with everyone you know. You are able to open your friends up to a whole new world of experiences. At your worst, you feel extremely disoriented and even a bit dizzy. There's only so much intensity a human (even you!) can take. ^ i love rollercoasters so much...hey jet if you're reading guess where ima take you this summer? twisted What Carnival Ride Are You?
Blogthings: Free Quizzes for Everyone
 Find your Celestial Choir
Your T-Shirt Says You're Witty

You have an amazing sense of humor. You can range from silly to dark to sarcastic. You are extremely playful and carefree. You try to inject fun into every situation.
You aren't a slacker though... if anything, you are competitive and aggressive. You strive to be successful and popular. You want to be the best you possible. & i am not popular or successful x3
The T-Shirt Test
Blogthings: 100's of Fun, Free Quizzes and 3 Stupid Ones
You Are an Adjective

You are a very expressive person. You have a way with words, and you're never at a loss for what to say. You can describe something perfectly. You can paint a picture with your story and make people feel like they were there.
You are fanciful and dreamy. You tend toward being a little dramatic. Everything is a big deal for you. For you, a day is not simply nice. It's "beautiful," "idyllic," "balmy," or "superlative."
What Part of Speech Are You?
Blogthings: Discover the Parts of Your Personality that Have Been Hiding
Your Sensitivity Score: 23%

In general, you don't let your senses overwhelm you. You're pretty stoic, and you're good at blocking out what's going on around you. However, you are still sensitive enough to enjoy all the beautiful things in the world! ^ am i a robot yet? Are You Extremely Sensitive?
Blogthings: We're Not Shrinks, But We Play Them On the Internet
> surprised
Cat smile: :3
Grumpy: > sad
Sad: sad or sad
Crying emote: :’(
Shocked emote: surprised or surprised
Glasses emote: cool or cool
Cool shades: 8-|
Rude: :p or :-p
Woot?!: O.o
Dork emote: -_-
Duhhh emote: :/ or :
Devil emote: 3 smile
Angel emote: O smile
Kiss emote: :-* or :*
Love emote: <3
Pacman: :v
Robot: neutral ]
Weird guy’s face: :putnam:
NEW Shark emoticon: (^^^)
NEW Penguin emoticon: <(" wink
kaieunown13 · Mon Mar 01, 2010 @ 08:55pm · 0 Comments |