"I've lost the best person that's ever walked into my life. I've lost the person who changed me for the best. I've lost the person who made me realize how much of a human being I am...I've lost the most amazing, funny, cheery, stunning, striking, humorous, fun and down to earth person I've ever had the pleasure and delight of meeting. I've lost you."-from Andy Sixx love story on quizazz called praying for romance. reminds me of Drew and how...oh god i miss u, how many times am i gonna ******** up so badly it can't b fixed n hurt me n th person in th process b4 i learn not to let ppl in? -what song expresses you? DHT-listen to your heart
Your Thoughts Are Blue

You are empathetic and feeling. Your thoughts are always colored with emotion. You tend to be a positive and optimistic thinker. You don't dwell on what's going wrong.
Your purpose in life is to make the world better. There's so much you want to change. You think more about what could happen than what is happening. Possibilities are what interest you most.
What Color Are Your Thoughts?
Blogthings: Waste Time at Work!
kaieunown13 · Thu Dec 08, 2011 @ 11:12pm · 0 Comments |