you see, she and a friend or ours (anne) is waiting for me to come out from school. Then when I came out and met them we talked before we walked home. Then, suddenly a korean guy (i think a student in our school) approached Aierrah with a mad look or something and said(Why see you, why see me) I'm not exactly sure what he said but that's what I heard. And then Aierrah was not looking at him (for she don't know that the guy was talking to her, she thought the korean is speaking to Anne) then she suddently looked at the korean guy and said, I'm not looking at you. And then he left. We were all shocked about what happend
And then we laughed and talked about it all the way home. He was so scary.
Then they told me that while they were waiting for me, the korean was shouting that thing too.
But then they thought that he was speaking to a person, maybe behind them(because there is an apartment behind them). but he was actually shouting at them! >< hahaha
Maybe he thought that she and Anne were staring at him. I dunno
But it was a really funny and shocking experience. Imagine, we were just talking and then he suddenly did that?
And Aierrah was like a snob for 15 sec while the korean guy was talking to her. hahahaha
She didn't know she was the one talked too
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