Crim Bunny by Stingie

Crim Chibi by Commander_Juice!

Crim bust by Endless_Dusk

Crim and Houndour by Generic_Neko_Girl

Aurora Pecoda [OC] by Stingie<333

Group Art, by Stingie <3

Crim by Cupcake!~

Crim and Stingie by Puca the Demon

Sexy Crim by Mr. Felix Delacroix

Chibi 2 by Stingie

Chibi by Stingie

Sexy Crim by Basuki

Sexy Crim chibi by Commander_Juice

Crimson and Sebastian Michealis by Gomeric

Crimson and Sebastian Michaelis by xx I met my fate xx

Crim by Darklordseverin

Crim and Sebastian Michealis by Hiroshineko

Crim by Sweetiewithwings

Crim by Kin no Nabi

Both by Qt2
