Hey everyone. It's me again, Zarrii. Today, I started with my roleplay "c L i Q u E ' d - A High School Romance". I have about three characters, two boys and one girl. My new character, William Warren, is falling for a french dancer girl at a dance. Typical high school romance. Then, my character Lizzy comes in hogs the mike and and makes a cute couple couple between Emory and Byron. More typical high school romance. Basically, my other character is kinda stuck mainly because I'm waiting for my friend's character to post. Not a bad thing honestly. I met this really cool girl and she's really awesome. Her name's bellatrix_thesecond. We've really gotten along and have lots of plans for the summer on Gaia. Believe me, I can't wait for the summer no school, and there's a pool in towns. I'm planning a huge party by the pool. I'm still trying to get some thing's I'll need though. I'm still questing about a couple more friends (not as trophies, as true friends). I'm far too busy lovin' my life right now so see you guys later.
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